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Dear Reader,

I am eternally grateful to you for reading my book and giving it a chance. I started writing this in 2016, purely as a guilty pleasure project, but then it took shape in my head, and the more I wrote, the more I wanted to write. Most of the book I had planned a long time ago but I've had some major epiphanies while writing, and those have been presented in the form of plot twists in the book.

I hope you enjoyed reading this little adventure- one of love, friendship, fate and relationships. It is finally complete and now I leave it here for you. I certainly had a lot of fun staying up late to chart out the plot, writing and rewriting pieces and then rewriting some more. This book has been my constant companion for four years and the entire experience has been rather therapeutic for me.

So I  thank you for your support! And as I leave the book with you, I hope that it provides as much comfort to you as it did to me.

Here's to 15:30!
(26th September, 2016- 20th November, 2020).

-Love always,
Your little daydreamer.

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