Thirty One

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The clichè act of throwing a stone through the window for attention, struck a chord in Tara's memory. Chris may have done it once or twice when Tara lived by herself in Boston. The distance from her dresser to the window, made her heart beat fast in anticipation. What if the universe had listened to her heart 's prayer and Chris was finally back?

When she rushed to the window and looked out, she wasn't disappointed.

"Tara Maxwell. It's an honour to see you again!"

"Oh my gosh! You're back! Yay!"

"Miss me?" the man said, smirking.

"Nah. I'm too cool for that shit," Tara said, adorably sticking her tongue out.

The man's blue eyes had a glimmer in them. Tara was being her adorable usual self. He was exhilarated, just seeing her again.

"I would have called ahead, but I thought the whole surprising -by-standing -under-your-window act was more romantic," he said, smiling.

Tara flashed her teeth and her cheeks dimpled again. It drove him crazy.

"It is," she added in her cute , coy tone.

"Are you busy or something? I start work tomorrow , once again. And I want to spend the last evening with you. So I was wondering- if -you wanna- uh hangout, if you're not too busy or anything..."

"I was just reading up on feminist jurisprudence. You can join me if you like, although I'm not sure how interested you would he."

"Aren't you a little too overdressed for someone who was doing some reading? Not that I have a problem if you dress like that- I mean -you look uh- hot- okay I'm stumbling again, " he said.

She laughed, as she remembered that she was still dressed in lingerie and her red asset -enhancing clothes.

"So what is it? Do you- do you have a date afterwards or-? I mean we're still exclusive if that's what you like. I just didn't think you'd - find someone so fast- who am I kidding you are hot so you'd find someone so easily-ugh- you know what I mean-" he asked, in a serious tone.

"I just want to come down and kiss you so you'd stop mumbling like an idiot."

"Then why don't you?"

Within ten seconds Tara grabbed her coat and rushed to Heather's apartment. Ringing the doorbell multiple times and impatiently waiting for Heather to answer the door, she put on her coat. Olivia opened the door.

"Whatsup Tara- " Olivia said, then paused for a moment to analyze the situation of a fancily dressed Tara standing in the hallway, " what's going on?"

"So Jay is here, and we had a spontaneous plan, and I have to leave. I was wondering if you would sleep over at my place and take care of-"

"Say no more darling. Go, you have a man waiting. I'll take care of everything here."

"Thanks Liv," Tara said, hugging her and rushing to the lift, "I love you."

"Love you too," Liv yelled as Tara ran into the lift. Liv smiled to herself . Whether Tara admitted it or not, she was finally moving on. The way she got all excited to meet Jay, did mean something. Ofcourse she was going to have a special place in her heart for Chris, and she deserved closure, and more than anything, now that he was out, she deserved to move on. There was no sign of Chris coming back, and she had to let go of that delusion. Maybe Jay would finally be the one who treated her right and loved her . Maybe it was too early to say. Who knew ?

Meanwhile Tara rushed out of her building, completely oblivious of the fact that she was wearing heels. Jay stood there with his arms wide open, and she moved towards him. She buried her head in his shoulder. He put his arms around her waist and kissed the top of her head.

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