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Look who's back!! Only for a short time , though.. I was bored and taking a break from studying, so I thought, why not?

Jay and Tara sat in a cab on that chilly morning, and neither could deny how good they were feeling. For Jay it was a different feeling altogether, because it had been a long time since he had been kissed. For Tara, it was euphoric. She had kissed a man, on the top of the tallest residential building in her exciting city. She had conquered something that was holding her back. She had managed to spend an entire night on a high building, and for someone with the fear of heights, it's a rewarding feeling.

"So..? " Tara asked.

"Never felt happier on a Monday morning," Jay replied, his eyes beaming with joy.

"I'm glad you won that toss and we did this. It was fun, I'll admit it."

"On some nights, it's best to give all the adventures a rest and just sit , talk and relax."

"And then kiss," Tara said jokingly.
After which she yawned. He gently made her rest her head on his shoulder and interlocked his fingers with hers.

"Tara, can I ask you something? You can say no if you like," Jay said.


"Can I take you out to dinner, tonight? I mean I usually spend my birthdays alone, but this time I have a companion. I know it's too early, I mean we only met on Friday, and I'm asking to a third date, but it kinda feels nice to have someone , finally, to spend time with."

"Ssh, Jay. You think way too much. Of course I would love to go out with you. Its your birthday. We'll chill together. How does that sound? "

"Perfect. Tara, thank you-"

"Jay. Scott.Stop. Thanking. Me."

"Can I tell you something else as well?"

"Obviously you can."

"Last night, I had this sudden desperation to meet you. George was talking about popping the question to his girlfriend and I had this feeling, deep down, that I want , just want you to be there. I was craving to call you, I don't know why. And then like magic, you manifested."

He was looking out of the window. It had only been three days, how could he possibly feel so strongly for someone, so fast?

At that moment Tara had a gut feeling that Jay was going to an important one. He wasn't trying any tricks to get laid, that wasn't even his intention. He was one hundred percent genuine, she realized it at that moment.

She enclosed him into a hug. It happened randomly. She was so much in awe , she couldn't stop herself.

"I love it when you hug me out of nowhere," he whispered.

"I would be lying if I deny that you saying all these cute things about me makes me feel good," she whispered back.

It looked really romantic, the way she leaned on his shoulder after that, and he put one hand around her shoulder, staring dreamily out of the window as the cab drove ahead.


The cab halted outside Tara's apartment building , and she got out. Jay followed.

"You know, I can go home from here," she said, walking backwards and talking to him.

"I usually drop people till their doorstep, my way of ensuring that they reached home safely. Especially when they're drunk."

"Okay, you literally sound like a fictional character at this point."

"Haha," Jay blush-smiled.

Finally, they did reach her doorstep. She searched for her key and unlocked the door.

"Do you wanna come in?"

"I would love to, but I think I'll let you get some rest. You also have to go to work. Plus the cab driver's waiting down. "

"Right.. maybe next time," she said, yawning again.

"Sleepyhead," Jay said, chuckling. She looked tired and sleepy, but adorable, even when she yawned dressed in her sweatshirt and jeans and sneakers.

They stood in the hallway, staring at each other, after she opened her apartment and turned back to him.



"Did you really mean what you said to me on the rooftop? About the sunrise?"

"Every alphabet."

"Kiss me once more and I'll believe you."

He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. Her eyes closed and her fingers began to slide through his hair. His lips stayed there a little longer.

What they both hadn't realized that across the hallway , another door had opened silently, and a pair of eyes was looking at them.

"I would like to ask the Defendants if they need any more proof," Jay said with the same old smirk on his face.

"No , your Honour. I now rest my case."

As soon as Jay left, the pair of eyes who had been observing them walked up to her. She was wearing a track suit, Addidas shoes and her iPod was tightly secured in her hand.

"Ah! Heather! Good morning!" Tara was shocked to see the red head approach her.

"How long have you been watching us?"

"Long enough to make me feel like you have to tell me something ," Heather replied, crossing her arms, and with a demanding look on her face.

"Of course I will tell you. But not now please, I'm very sleepy . I was with him the entire night."

Heather's expression softened and she nudged her.

"So you guys did it huh? Is he one of those guys that you go home with from the bar?"

"Oh no, we didn't do it. We just kissed."

"That's just sad. Teenagers get more action than you."

"We're just not rushing anything. He's not the casual type of guy."

"Ooh la la. Someone's found herself a long term guy," Heather teased Tara.

" Nothing 's certain yet. We've only been on two dates."

"Oh, so that's where you went on Saturday evening? And yesterday night too. You said you were going to drop a friend home, but then you texted me saying that you'll be home late. Now I get it- makes so much sense now."

"Yes, I was with him."

"Where did you'll meet? Tell me everything!"

"Weren't you going for a little run?"

"Oops! Totally forgot about that. My bad. Imma come back and interrogate you. You have to tell me every single thing about Mr. New Hottie Okay?"

"Heather, you're a lesbian."

"So what? Admit it, he's damn fine. He's the finest you've been with so far- oh look you're blushing ," she continued teasing.

"Oh stop it. No I'm not-"

"Hahahaha, I'll give it a rest now. Ciao. Remember, you have to tell me every single detail."


Tara watched her bestfriend and neighbor leave and she smiled to herself. Jay Scott was getting to her. 

"Oh, by the way," Heather called out before hitting the stairs, "Miracle's in my room. You should go meet her. I swear I love her so much, she's so cute."

"Haha, I know that."

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