Twenty Four

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It was a beautiful Tuesday morning. The sun wasn't out yet. The weather was chilly. Jay's eyes opened and he was startled for a moment to see Tara sleeping peacefully next to him, but almost immediately remembered that she had waited back for him. In case he had another asthma attack or something. And she had fallen asleep on his bed.

They were in bed together. But nothing had happened the entire night. Except in the morning when Jay woke up and saw Tara there, sound asleep, his face split into a smile. He didn't care about not getting any action, he was just happy that after everything that happened last night, after he almost lost her, she was still there , right next to him. She had a heart of gold, she forgave him even after what he did was terrible.

Her flawless face rested towards him. It was literally flawless. She had clear skin, perfectly curled lashes, and a tiny birthmark on the side of her nose that Jay hadn't noticed before. Maybe she really was perfect. Or maybe Jay perceived her that way, because he was in love with her. And a lover's eyesight has been hardwired to overlook all the flaws and see only divine perfection.

Jay got out of bed quietly- he didn't want to wake her up. He felt much better than last night. His mood , that had been ruined because of his father had been improved by Tara and her presence. His head didn't hurt anymore. He was able to breathe. His fever had vanished. And although he was coughing a little, he could guarantee he had never felt better. But then again, he felt that way everytime, ever since he first met Tara.

Before leaving his room , he glanced in his mirror, and made sure that he looked fine.  Ran his hand though his hair, and checked his teeth. It felt odd , because Jay was not the kind of guy who really cared about his appearance. Jay had been out of love for too long, so this new feeling , the familiar rush, it all exhilarated him.
It gave him a different kind of high, a different kind of pleasure.

He decided to make breakfast for her, his way of repaying her. He knew that making breakfast for your woman is a romantic thing, and he had the opportunity, so why not do it?
It was different, cooking for two people. He'd usually cook for himself, and even if it turned out bad, he would make do with whatever there was. But this time he actually took extra care. He wanted the taste to be perfect. And he gave what he wanted to make a thought, as opposed to normally when he'd just eat whatever came to his mind. He also hoped that she wouldn't get up because he wanted to surprise her.

Breakfast was ready and Tara wasn't up yet. Although the sun was. He got everything ready and carried it to bed. Then he drew the blinds, and the sunshine fell into the room. It was scenic.

Jay found Tara's date dress lying on a chair on the other side of the bed. He folded it neatly and put it in a bag for her, along with her purse.

Tara woke up with a smile on her face. She saw Jay in the room, with breakfast, and her expression softened with awe.

"Good morning," she said, stretching.

"Good morning," he said taking the breakfast to her.

"You made breakfast for me? That's so cute. It's been ages since someone brought me breakfast in bed."

"Well , " Jay smiled.

"How do you feel now? Fever," she felt his forehead, "all gone. Wow. That's a speedy recovery."

"Feel much better."

"Awesome! I'm sorry for waking up so late , I guess I just overslept. It's not a good thing, I'm sorry."

"No, it is actually. That way I could surprise you with breakfast."

"I'm running out of things to call you. I've literally used up all my 'adorables' and 'cutes'.  I'm gonna have to learn how to say them in foreign languages now. "

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