Her eyes went wide when she finally realized what I have been doing this whole time. I have been slowly taking her power away. I can feel it flowing through me and down to my mother. Lay's worst dream is being human. Or as she says powerless.

To me that would be the best thing in the world, but I can not have that. No, I must be who I am meant to be.

Lay's eyes slowly shut as she falls into a deep sleep. She will wake up and be perfectly fine. Though in her mind she will be completely worthless. That is not my problem. I stand from Lay. I look out at the war that is still going on.

Using my powerful voice I yell, "Everyone stop!"

Not even a second later all that is heard is my voice echoing still. There isn't one set of eyes that isn't on me. I open my mouth to speak, but a woman walks out of nothing.

She is beautiful. This woman has the clearest blue eyes and the blondest waist length hair. She walked with an air of power around her. I knew this woman was my first mother. This is The Queen. This is Queen Rain. She walked until she was in front of me.

"Kerryana. My pardin, I mean Katherine. Oh I mean Ash. Goodness you have a lot of names child." Queen Rain said to me. I gave her a small smile.

She looks over at Lay. She looks just like your average teenage that drank too much and finally pasted out. Her eyes meet mine.

"You have done the right thing. But this leaves the White Bloodline without a leader. That means someone must take her spot and only a royal can do that. My daughter, that must be you. You shall become the queen of both powers. Which will make you be The Queen." She explained to me.

Me? The Queen? That can't happen. I am not ready for this.

It is our destiny.

You are right, Kerryana. I waited a second. Hmm no smart comments.

"Then what is going to happen?" I asked her.

"This." She said to me. Queen Rain turns and faces both councils. I watch as a beautiful, unique crown appear on her head. It is just a simple crown. Nothing fancy. It has black and white vine like things intertwining together all the way around it. That is all it has.

"Please step forward." She told me. I stepped up to her and faced the two councils, too. My eyes looked for a very unique pair of eyes. I smiled when I meet them. Cole. My soul mate. He is still here. Cole gives me a thumbs up.

"Katherine Ashley Skye Force, you have taken the powers of Analayla Tiffanie Anderson Williams. You are Kerryana, my oldest daughter, Queen of the Black Bloodline. Analayla is MarryAnne,  my youngest daughter, was Queen of the White Bloodline. When you withdrew her powers you gave them to me, but now I will give you all the powers. I, Rain Ann,, Queen of both powers, give you, Kerryana, Queen of the Black bloodline, or known as Katherine Ashley Skye Force, the crown that I wear now. You are now The Queen." She finished once she put the crown on my head.

I felt tons of power flow through my body. Never I have ever felt like this. I felt completed. I looked out into the crowd and watch as the all bow.

"Xavier, come and get your soul mate, Queen Kerryana." Rain said to Cole. He happily listened. I looked over the crowd meeting the eyes of those who mean the most to me. Lilly, Nate, Luke, Kat, and John. I love them all so much.

"Lets get out of here, baby." His voice caused a shiver down my spine. You would think with all this power his voice wouldn't still cause me cold chills.

"Okay, I want to sleep." I told him. We walked over to our friends real quick. I noticed everybody else was going back to the dance like nothing has happened. I guess someone helped Lay since she is now gone. I hug my friends hard. Like it is the last time I will see them. I tell them all I love them and for them to never forget that. Scanning the ground my heart breaks when I see Faith's body is gone.

Our mother took her back to our parents.

Okay, I guess that was smart to do. Cole and I make it home. As soon as we get in my room I jump on him. I make love to him until he is too tired to continue. When I know for sure he is asleep I get up. I get dressed in jeggings and a dark sleeve shirt with my black boots. Walking into my closet I search for the bag. The bag that holds all of my savings and some clothes. I have plenty of savings that I can get some more later.

I turn my closet light out for the last time. Making my way to the bed I stop when I see something on my full length mirror. A picture of everyone. We are all smiling like fools. I remember this picture. It was right after the prep rally. I quickly grab that and the pictures that my mother put in my room. She had put to envelopes in my room. One with my name and one with Cole's name. I know they are the pictures from earlier. Yeah they can get them developed fast.

I walk over to Cole. Pulling off my necklace I notice I am shaking. I put the necklace next to the note I wrote for Cole and I pick up his neclace. He will have mine I will have his for we will always be together somehow. I kiss him one last time. Then I cut our mind link. He is offically out of my head. Jumping out my window I don't let myself cry. My car wasn't in the garge so I started it up. I will change the title and stuff over once I get out of this state.

Driving for days straight I finally see what I have bee waiting for. My new house. It is a two bedroom condo on the beach front. Yeah, I have a lot of savings. It is located in Southern sunny California. I will live my life out here for now on. I open the door and drop my bag. Sliding down the door I let my first tear fall. I am really going to do this. I am going to do this alone. I made sure before I left that Cole was not Broken anymore. He is perfectly together again. We can no longer be Broken Together. I don't have someone to help survive. Nope,  I will have to survive my Broken Life alone.


That is the final chapter in Ash's view. This is technically the last chapter of Broken Together. I will be doing an epilogue. So, you can have that one chapter in Cole's POV. All I gotta say is that I made it! I made it to over 2000 reads! I can't thank you guys enough. Now I will save the sad speech for the next chapter! Until next time!

Goodbye my loves!

Enjoy your day/night!

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Make sure the next chapter you are ready for a semi sad chapter and a sad author's note!


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