Talking to a man with an accent sexier than yours, could get you wet.

Start from the beginning

Finally, curiosity got the better part of him. He turned to face whoever his stalker was, the blinding light from the car's headlight made it almost impossible to see who sat behind the steering wheel, so he hunched his back and squinted his eyes past the glass shield.

It was a woman. Blonde wavy short hair with a firm face, there was something about the look in her eyes that he recognized.  She was staring deeply at him, like she was trying to figure something out about him. Her eyes roamed his body, from the sole of his feet to the crown of his head, but most times, her glance lingered on his tattoos.

With one clear look at her, he could easily recognize her. How could he forget the only woman that had given him the most fucked up look he had ever seen in his twenty-four years of living. It still gave him nightmares.

He smirked, standing straight, before he spoke, "What the fuck is wrong with you and the staring?"

Her eyes brightened in a kind of revelation. The sky gave a loud bang, and then wailed down on them.

Well, this was gonna be fun.


Horns blared past them, cars drove ahead, the traffic lights changed signals, the sky remained dark and Emily found herself staring blankly at the man before her. She remembered him. The hookah dude.

That was the name she had agreed to call him the first time she saw him a week ago. Immediately he had said those ten words to her, the heavens opened and rain drops filled the earth.

She stepped her foot on the clutch pedal and made to drive off, but her eyes just couldn't look away from the crazy man who stood under the rain while staring at her.

He could find his way home of course, and Emily could drive home safely in the comfort and protection of her car, but her eyes remained on him, the rain  slowly seeped into his casual wears and left him drenched, but he didn't seem to mind. He wasn't even surprised when the rain started.

Why wasn't he running his lazy ass home?!

Emily frowned, but another thought occupied her head. Why did she care if he went home or got soaked by the rain?  He was the one going to fall sick, not her.

She heard her phone ring and just for a second, she looked down at it and found Christian's name dancing on her screen again. As she contemplated picking it, the passenger door flung open and she felt a figure seat beside her.

She noticed the water from his clothes drip down and wet her seat, before her eyes rose up to meet with his.

Her face contoured into a look of repugnance, the water from his face ran down in patters and went down in tiny drip-drops.

Even the slightest look of fear or apology was not visible on his face. He just shrugged his shoulders and for the first time, Emily heard his voice.

"What? You left your car open. Not my fault."

The first thought that flashed through Emily's mind at that point was that whoever this man was, he had the voice, sinful enough to get her wet.

She had never thought that hearing a man speak only, could get her stomach churning. She had heard lots of male voices all her life, she did business with powerful men, but none as this simple looking man's own.

His voice was smoothly rough, arousing and sultry. The thick Irish accent in his pronunciation didn't fail to escape Emily's ears, though he tried his best to sound American.

For a minute, she did nothing but stare at him. Now that he was in a closer position to her, she could see his facial features perfectly well.

His hair was dark, not like midnight, but extremely dark, black could be the word for it too. It had become wet from the rain and hung limply around his face. It fell against his forehead, giving him that just out of the shower sexy kinda look. His eyes were brown. Dark brown that had a different glow to it.

Love Me In The Dark. [COMPLETED ✔✔] {BOOK ONE}Where stories live. Discover now