Chapter 40. The Twist.

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Emmett's POV

After Brady quickly fills my mother in. He turns to finally look at me.

"Sorry kid, Mark's name is Mark Gage he came from Reidsville." Brady says.

My mother stares at Brady in horror I stare at my mom in confusion and my dad is staring at Brady in recognition.

"No fucking way." Dad whispers.

"Ava and Marcus's baby died." Mom whispers.

"Wait what?" I ask in shock. 

"Wasn't Ava's baby, Marcus was apparently with more then just her." Brady explains. "Her name was Melony Lawrence she died a year after Mark's death in a car accident that Mark was lucky enough to survive. Marcus's parent's raised Mark from then on out, he knew who his parent's were and shit must of wanted revenge." Brady says.

"So you think Mark is lying about not having nothing to do with it?" I ask Brady.

Brady nods.

"I can't believe this." Mom whispers shaking her head throwing her hand over her mouth in shock.

"So wait a minute Brady who is the voucher?" I ask him.

"Ian Grey, his cousin or something that he lives with?" Brady says arching an eyebrow.

"That doesn't sound familiar." Dad says shaking his head.

Mom shakes her head too.

"That's Isabella's ex boyfriend." I tell Brady.

"Well then I guess we can rule him out as far as telling the truth." Brady says. "Look I want all of you to stay right here don't leave I am going to begin looking through the properties they own." Brady says sternly.

Mom huffs and crosses her arms staring at Brady in disbelief.

"Well that is your answer to that." Dad chuckles lightly.

Brady rolls his eyes. "Pleas Mia." 

"Absolutely fucking not that is my one of my babies! She is part of the family Brady she is carrying Emmett's baby there is no fucking way in hell that I am gonna sit back and watch ya'll fuck it up!" Mom says and stomps her foot.

Brady throws his hand's up in surrender and gives my mom a thumbs up then quickly heads out the door.

My mom is fucking awesome.

"I can go though right?" I ask.

"No." Mom says shaking her head. "Stay here your father and I will deal with this." 

"We will?" Dad asks.

"Yep our mess." Mom says.

Dad shrugs and nods in agreement. "True." He says.

"I'm coming." I argue.

I watch as dad and mom put on their leather jacket's.

"Come on!" I yell. "I'll just follow you." I grunt.

"Whatever boy hurry up." Dad says I quickly put my boots on and my leather jacket and head out to the Challenger with my parent's I jump into the backseat and let my parent's have the front.

We follow after Brady catching up to him easily and we tail him. 

We tail Brady all the way through Atlanta.

The first house he stop's at is a house right in the city, a descent sized house.

"She isn't gonna be here." I grunt.

Mom agree's with me.

We pull quickly away from the house and head back toward's home. 

When we reach the front door there is a note stuck to it. 

Dad reads it out loud.

Jesse AND Emmett,

If you want the little bitch back ALIVE meet me at the tracks.

No cops, No bullshit, 9 P.M.


"Who in the fuck are we dealing with?" Mom whispers.

"I'm not sure, but I'll be damned if I don't find out." Dad says.

We sit around for a while in silence until the back door swings open. Jordy, Nicky, Noah, Frank, and Opie walk into the house.

Dad called them to tell them what's going on.

They're coming with us to the tracks.

at 8:30 we head out of the house Dad, Mom, Jordy and I get into the Challenger. Opie, Nicky, Noah, and Frank get into dad's truck and we head out to the tracks.

When we make it to the tracks we park and there's still no sign of anybody. We get out of the vehicles and wait quietly.

When a blue GTO pulls in just 20 yard's from where were standing. I watch in confusion as three guy's get out of the vehicle, I recognize only two of them and no sign of Isabella.


Jesse's POV

"That's impossible." Mia whispers.

"No way." all the guy's chorus behind us.

The three guy's stop in front of us.

"Well, well, well, long time no see Parker." The guy in the middle says smirking at me."God you two should see the look on your face, you look like you've seen a ghost." He laughs.

"Damon." Mia whispers darkly.

He looks at Mia and smirks. "Next time you kill someone honey make sure they're actually dead."

Mia gives him a dangerous, evil smile. "Let me give it a second go around Damon." She purrs. "I never make the same mistake twice."

"How do they have anything to do with this?" I ask pointing between the two of the younger boys.

"Well Ian here is actually my son, Mark is Marcus's son. You do remember him don't you?" Damon asks narrowing his eyes at me.

"It wasn't in cold blood Damon wrap your fucking head around that." I tell him.

Mark start's to come at me but Damon grabs a hold of him.

"Go ahead kid try fucking with me, it's the same mistake your father made." I sneer at him. 

Mark gets angrier and pulls from Damon's grip as soon as he get's at me I don't even have to hit him, I shove him in the chest and he falls flat on his ass in the mud.

"You ain't shit kid knock it off before you get yourself killed." I say darkly looking down at him.

"Here's the deal." Damon says and I snap my head back up to look at him. "You and I one more race, your son against my two boys and if you win I'll let the little whore live you lose, I kill her while your son watches."

Emmett runs at Damon but I grab a hold of him. "No Em, stop. Her life depends on this." I whisper to my son.

"You kill her, you will follow her in death." Emmett sneers at him. "You're on."

Damon wait's for my answer and I give him a slight nod.

"Let's do this." I say angrily.

When Damon walks away I go up to Opie.

"Find where she is, this could end badly." I tell him.

"You worried we're gonna lose?" Em asks me worriedly.

"No, I'm worried that Damon won't keep his word." I say quietly and Mia nod's in agreement.

I turn to Mia and kiss her softly. "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." She whispers. "You can do this, I know you can."

Atlanta City's Bad Boy: The Story Of Emmett ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now