Chapter 22. Tracks

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Emmett's POV

"Do you wanna come?" I ask her.

She thinks about it for a long moment and then nods.

We head downstairs my parent's are there in the kitchen.

"Hey we'll be back in an hour or two." I tell them.

They nod in understanding.

I grab the keys off the key rack and we head out to my Challenger.

We drive toward's the tracks and she says nothing but slides her hand on top of mine.

I look over at her and she gives me a small smile.

When we finally reach the tracks I can see all the guys are already there.

When I get out of the car, so does Isabella and all the guys are staring in surprise.

"She knows?" Kaden asks.

I shake my head and sigh. "Obviously as if I can hide it when she lives with me." I roll my eyes.

"Good point." Devin chuckles.

"Well, well,well look at what we got here ya must like the little whore an awful lot that you brought her with even I didn't like her that much." Ian says from behind me, I turn around already pissed off.

As soon as I spin around his fist is flying toward's my face but I duck out of the way and quick swing my fist into his jaw and he falls back onto the ground.

I climb onto him and beat him in the head relentlessly. 

I feel hands on me trying to pull me back but I don't let go until I hear a girl yell. "Stop it Emmett!"

I look up in shock, it's Emma of all people.

I look down at Ian then back to Emma.

I stand up and back off of him.

"You wanna talk about bringing a whore to the tracks and you brought the biggest fucking whore in Atlanta? Pfft whatever." I chuckle. "How does my sloppy seconds taste fuckhead?" I ask Ian.

He stands back up. "How does mine tastes?" He asks me.

I stare at him for a long moment and then start laughing, I laugh so hard I'm bent over holding my knee's for support.

"Woo, oh that was funny bro but there's one problem with that." I chuckle and he stares at me in confusion. I point at Emma first. "See when I said sloppy seconds I was refering to the fact that I already tapped that ass." I say and laugh again. Then I point at Isabella. "But I know for a fucking fact that you didn't get none from this one." I say.

Bella snorts and laughs hysterically.

"You know for a fact were you watching?" He asks in a sarcastic voice.

"Well nooo." I admit rolling my eyes. "But I know a cherry when I pop one." I chuckle.

Bella is blushing hard but laughing hysterically at what I said and start's walking away.

He stares at me angrily for a long moment and I just shrug. "You mad bro?" I ask him holding my arms open giving him every opportunity to hit me like I know he wants too but he stays right where he's at.

I turn and walk away from him not even mad anymore.

Bella stands there smirking at me. 

"Sorry." I whisper. "I shouldn't of announced that."

She chuckles. "It's fine, I don't care I'd much rather be known as the virgin of school then be known as the whore that fucked the entire football team." She tells me.

I get into the Challenger and head for the starting line, it's just Ian and I racing tonight. I didn't know who I was racing tonight but it panned out to be him.

We pull away and he's in my rear view mirror in seconds I drift the first corner flawlessly and then the second. By the time I make it to the finish line I look back in the mirror and he is behind me but once he makes it to the finishing line he doesn't stop he drives up to where Emma is and she jumps into the car.

Something is up and part of me want's to get Isabella and take off but instead I ignore the paranoia that crept up on me and get out of the car collecting the money.

When I'm done I quickly get in and pull up to the crowd.

That's when I see red and blue lights flashing down the road.


I get out of the car.

"COPS!" I yell at everyone.

Everyone scatters Isabella runs toward's the Challenger and we get into the car and I pull away toward's the road taking a right and I can see one cop in my rear view mirror.

I fly around the corner and take a quick left.

Isabella screams holding onto the handle and seat.

"Put your seat belt on Bells." I tell her sternly.

She does as I say and we continue up the road quickly I take a right at the bottom of the hill and head up it for six miles.

I lost the cop that was tailing us but if they caught my plates I'm fucked and I know it.

I take a left up the hill and go up it to a stop sign then take another left onto Nine Mile Road.

When we pull into the driveway I grab the money out of the car and we head into the house quickly. 

I give Bella the money and tell her to go upstairs and hide it under the mattress.

Mom and dad come into the living room just as there is a knock on the door.

I can see red and blue lights pouring through the windows.

"Shit." I whisper.

"The hell did you do now?" My mom asks.

"You're about to find out." I whisper.

I turn and head for the door.

I open up the door and it is no other then Brady.

"Brady." I greet him.

"Emmett, may I come in?" He asks.

I throw the door open and let him inside.

He stands their quietly, Isabella comes down the stairs quietly and sits on the bottom step.

J.T. and J.J. come into the living room. "Damn Em what'd you do now?" J.J. asks me.

"Booger, Bart room now." I tell them.

Mom and dad look at them and point to the stairs.

They sigh and go upstairs.

"So what is going on Brady?" Mom asks him.

"It is believed that Emmett's car was seen leaving the scene of an illegal race." Brady says.

Dad looks at me with a curious expression then back to Brady.

I'm confused by my parent's poker faces, I know those faces well.

"Brady that's not possible Emmett and Bella have been here all night." My mother chimes in.

Dad nods in agreement. "Sorry but it's true, couldn't of been Emmett." Dad says sternly. "We've been here all night with them."

"Uh huh." Brady smirks. "Well I'll uh let them know then that the kids got an alibi but you know if the camera's make out the plate numbers, you two are gonna be in trouble too." Brady says sternly to dad and mom.

I'm about to say something but dad gives me his "I'll kill you" look.

Brady walks out the door and I turn to face my parent's. "Why would you do that?" I ask in confusion.

Mom and dad look at each other then back to me, still wearing their poker faces.

"You're gonna tell him this is your fault." Mom says and smacks dads arm then goes to sit on the couch.

Dad point's at Bella and I. "Hmm uh yeah you two best get comfy because it's a long story." He says.

Atlanta City's Bad Boy: The Story Of Emmett ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now