Chapter 25. Like Her

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Isabella's POV

I walk into the bathroom and pull the pregnancy test out of the box shakily.

My brain is rejecting the thought of being a mom, I can't be a mom look at how my mom was what if I'm the same as her?

I follow the directions peeing on the end of the stick putting the cap on and setting it down carefully.

I stand there for a long couple minutes, part of me want's to go back out by Emmett and wait but I can't seem to remember how to move.

I never even thought about being a mom, when I think of a good mom I think of Emmett's mom Mia she's sweet, funny, protective I'm not her though but she's amazing that woman has pretty much become my idol if I could chose to be like anyone it'd be her.

She's been lenient with Emmett and I, so has his dad Jesse. I've never met a couple like them before Emmett's right they're perfect together.

I watch as only one line comes onto the stick and some part of my heart sinks and I don't know why.

There's a knock on the door pulling me from my racing thought's.

"Yeah?" I squeak the door opens slightly.

"Can I come in baby?" He whispers.

"Yeah." I whisper.

He comes into the bathroom.

"It's negative." I whisper.

"Oh." He breathes. 

"My periods were always irregular maybe it's just late from having sex for the first time or something." I tell him looking disappointingly at the test.

He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on top of my head, then kisses the top of my head.

"You okay?" He asks me.

Am I okay? Why do I feel sort of...sad?

"Um sure?" I ask confused.

"What's wrong?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "N-nothing." I stutter pulling away from him.

I try to walk out of the bathroom but he spins me back into him catching my face between his hand's so I've got no choice but to look at him.

I don't even realize that I'm crying until he wipes the tears away. "I thought that you...didn't want to be?" He asks confused by my reaction, and I don't blame him I'm confused by my reaction too.

"I know it's stupid." I whisper letting the tears fall. "I didn't want to be, I can't be I-" I cut off shaking my head. "I have no clue why I feel...disappointed." I admit.

He bends down pressing his lips to mine. "We've got plenty of time for that." He says.

I nod in agreement. "I never even thought about being a mom at all Emmett, not until I realized that I might not have a choice." I admit. "I don't wanna be like her." I whisper.

"Isabella stop, you-" He cuts off shaking his head and let's go of me then looks at me sternly. "You are nothing like her baby. I've heard the stories about her, how cold and angry she always was that's not you that could never be you." He says.

I look up into his eyes in surprise, I never realized until now how much I needed to hear that from him. He's not worried at all about me ending up like her my mother.

"I never thought about the kid thing either okay? When I realized that I messed up and I'm sorry for that. When I realized what happened several thought's raced through my mind and they weren't good ones it hurt to think of them at all because having a baby with you wouldn't be so bad, I love you now I know one day I will want kids long as it's with you." He admits and looks away.

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