Chapter 31. Prank

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Emmett's POV

Once we get back into the bedroom Isabella grab's her bag of clothes and begins rummaging through them.

She pulls two thing's out and looks at them.

"What the fuck?" She asks confused and begins throwing everything onto the bed, I come over to take a closer look.

Her clothes are completely shredded into nothing.

She looks up at me angrily.

"How did-" I start but she cuts me off.

"I'll fucking tell you, it had to of been Hailey." She says mad throwing the clothes down that are in her hands.

I run a hand through my hair in irritation.

I walk over to my bedroom door and turn down the long narrow hallway and knock on the second door to the right.

JJ open's the door up and looks at me, he's confused right away by my pissed off expression.

"What's wrong man?" He asks confused.

"Your stupid fucking girlfriend is what's wrong!" I yell.

I see her sitting on the bed she stands up and stares at me in confusion.

"What the hell did I do?" She asks.

"Don't even fucking stand there and act stupid like you don't know." I growl at her.

She crosses her arms over her chest.

JJ sighs. "What happened?" He asks.

"Why don't you ask that dumb little bitch." I say pointing at her.

He turns to Hailey and arches an eyebrow.

"I seriously haven't got a clue what he's talking about." She says angrily.

"She took all of Isabellas clothes and shredded them with a pair of scissors from the looks of it." I answer JJ but am staring at Hailey.

"All of them?" JJ asks in shock.

"Every single one but the one's she's wearing." I tell him.

He looks back at Hailey and I can see the rage on my brother's face now. "God Hailey what the fuck is wrong with you?" He asks.

"What the hell makes you think I did it?!" She screams at him getting defensive.

"Because you are the only one who fucking hates her! You are the only one who gives her problems!" JJ fires back at her.

"Maybe they stunk and a rat chewed through them." She suggests sarcastically.

He sighs rubbing his temples with his pointer and middle finger then drops his hands after a moment and looks back at me then to Hailey. "You may as well pack your shit, Emmett warned you if you start any shit that you were going to go stay in the cabin with the adults."  He says rolling his eyes.

He looks up at me. "Man I'm sorry." He says.

"Don't apologize for her." I tell him and then look over at her. "He's right, you were warned pack your shit."  I sneer at her.

I push myself off the door frame and walk back to my bedroom slamming the door shut.

Isabella is sitting on the bed with her head in her hands sobbing. She looks up at me slowly as I walk closer to her. "Em I don't understand I swear I've never spoken a word to her I-" She cuts off sobbing again.

"Shh. It's okay baby we'll get you some new clothes." I whisper to her rubbing her back.

"Em I did not bring enough money with me to buy new clothes I packed a lot of them I-" I cut her off.

"I will buy them." I tell her.

"No-" She start's.

"Yes." I argue back looking at her sternly.

I stand up and grab my bag throwing it onto the bed.

"Wear this for now." I tell her. "I'll be right back." I hand her the t-shirt she takes it and walks toward's the bathroom.

I go down the stairs and out the door walking over to the other cabin. 

I go into the cabin and all the adult's are sitting on the couch, Hailey hasn't come over yet.

"Dad can we talk?" I ask him.

He stands up with his beer taking a swig of it as he walks up the stairs to the entrance I follow him through the kitchen and out onto the side porch.

"What's going on?" He asks curiously.

"Hailey took scissors and shredded Isabella's clothes all of them." I tell him. "She denies it but it couldn't of been anyone else I'm guessing it happened when we were over here eating. She didn't come cause she said she was tired, though she was wide awake when we got back." 

My dad's jaw drops he closes it and runs a hand down his face in irritation.

"I got enough money to buy her some new clothes, I know she ain't got enough and she shouldn't have to buy them anyway." I say irritated.

"No I'll give you the money, my fault I should of listened to you earlier." He says.

"No really dad-" I get cut off by a voice behind us.

"Let me pay for it, it's my kids." We turn around to see Noah standing there. "I'm sorry Emmett, tell Bella that I am sorry too." He says as he takes out his wallet and pulls money out. "There's 600 here if that's not enough let me know." He says.

I nod and take the money. "Hailey came in and said you guy's were accusing her of pranking Bella but I figured it was probably true that kid has been so crazy lately, I don't know what is going on with her." Noah mutters.

"Nobody does Uncle Noah." I say.

He nods in agreement.

I head back over to the cabin I head up the stairs and into my room.

The light's are off and she's in bed under the covers, I strip down to nothing but my boxers and get in bed beside her.

She turns over. "Where'd you go?" She asks.

"To tell my dad what'd happened." I admit. "Noah gave me the money to replace your clothes he said if 600 isn't enough he'll give you more."

"W-what no take it back Em I don't-" I cut her off.

"Baby it's his kid who did it so he sorta should pay for it sorta." I say arching an eyebrow at her.

"I don't want him to hate me." She whispers.

"Nobody hates you." I whisper.

"Hailey does." She whispers.

"Hailey hates herself." I argue.

She sighs but nods not arguing it further.

Atlanta City's Bad Boy: The Story Of Emmett ParkerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz