We Don't Need Approval | Flash Thompson [TR]

Start from the beginning

"Really, you mean that?" he asked. "A package deal?"

You nodded. "Uh-huh. I, uh-" You tucked a lock of hair behind your ear.

Flash stepped forward, one hand on your hip, the other taking your hand from your hair. He leaned close, black curls falling in his face. His forehead brushed the top of your hairline. "Can I kiss you?" he asked softly, and before you could nod, he reminded you- "Your dad is in the next room..."

"Oh," you said, and you ducked your head. A soft laugh burst out of your lips. "Then no."

"Dang," he said, and he held your hip a little tighter. His lips were forming words when the front door opened.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter exclaimed.

"Oh gosh," you gasped. You looked up at Flash and broke away, panic in your eyes. "What are we doing?"

"I don't know," he hissed. "You tell me!"

"I don't want- I- I don't know! I just-"

In the midst of your panic, Flash grabbed your hand. "Hey," he said softly, "I don't care if Parker knows about us. I don't care if he takes one look at me and decides that you're not as good of a person as he thought you were, because guess what? You are amazing to me. And just because you're dating a jerk doesn't mean you're any less kind or gentle or loving. So if you want me to go, fine. I'll go, no questions asked. He'll never know about us. But this - I'm not embarrassed by-"


Flash cursed under his breath. Slowly, he turned around, your hand still in his. Peter walked in the doorway, backpack slipping from his shoulder, jaw set hard.

"Hey, Parker," Flash said.

"What... are you doing here?" he asked. His eyes shifted to you, then to your hand and Flash's, joined together. He stopped. "What are you doing?"

"Flash and I are dating," you blurted. Peter blinked. "We have been for a little over a month and a half now. And... it's going really great." You looked up at Flash. "Isn't it?"

Flash looked down at you with surprised awe. Slowly, your lips curled into a smile that showed all of your teeth. He nodded and grinned back.

"Yeah," he said, eyes searching yours. "Yeah, it really is."

Peter raised a hand, then dropped it. He shut his eyes and shook his head. "How-"

"You can hate it if you want, Parker," Flash said, looking at the boy. "You can hate me. But if this makes you hate her... I don't know what to say. This isn't just a thing. I really, really love this girl. I love her. And I would do anything-"

"You love me?" you squeaked.

Flash looked back down at you. "Yes," he said. "I thought you knew that." You shook your head. "Oh. Well, you do now." He grinned again. "I love you, ___."

You smiled, even wider than before.

"I don't hate either of you," Peter said. "And ___, I'll always be your friend, even if you date the guy you swore you hated." He laughed. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

"Oh, come on," Tony groaned from the other room.

You felt tears in your eyes. "Thanks, Pete," you said. You held out your free hand. It curled into a fist.

Peter lightly hit his knuckles against yours and smiled. He then jerked his thumb towards the living room. "I, uh, need to work. So-"

"Right," you said. You waved. "See ya."

He waved at you, and then at Flash, and there wasn't a hint of hatred in either of their brown eyes.

"Wow," Flash breathed. He looked relieved. "That was..."

"I'm glad it's over," you said.

He looked at you. "You didn't have to tell him. I would have made my monologue a lot shorter if I had known we were going to run out of time."

You laughed. "Honestly... I'm not mad. After everyrhing you said, Flash- I don't care what anybody else thinks. You love me. There aren't words to describe what that feels like." You turned towards him and reached up, your palm flattening against his cheek. "There aren't words to describe the love I feel for you." Your eyes swam with tears.

Flash was on the verge of crying himself. "You love me?" he whispered. You nodded. A grin flickered across his face and he took a deep breath, pulling your hand from his face and cradling it in his. "Say it."

"I love you, Flash Thompson-"

And he kissed you on the lips, lifting you off the ground, teary and warm, unable to care that your father was in the next room.

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