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love y'all and enjoy!<3

"We are never leaving this place anytime soon if this keeps up," An angry Devon growled as he and his brother sat by the lake, waiting for Achilles and Zayne to join them.

Leon nodded silently, gazing out at the clear water and watching as fish swim around in it. They had been sitting there for about 30 minutes, and were waiting for their friends to join them so they could discuss when they would leave, since the presence of the alpha twins were enough to scare any enemy away.

The group was getting restless, seeing as Achilles had a role in their Warrior Pack, and shouldn't be here much longer, especially as injured as he was.

"Don't worry, Devon. I'm sure Damian and Dominic will allow us to leave. And if they don't, we will have to leave ourselves," Leon said, throwing a rock into the water, causing fish to swim away.

"And what happens if we do that, and the Alphas get mad? We could cause a war between a fucking strong ass pack and a Warrior Pack, which hasn't happened in 50 years," Devon looked at his brother, seemingly worried. "We both know how that ended, too."

Leon was about to reply when a cough from the trees behind them sounded. The two warriors stood up in seconds, getting in a defensive stance.

Achilles raised his hands in mock defense, rolling his eyes at seeing his friends tense and worried.

"Calm your asses down, it's just me! Zayne had to stay back and help with training some soldiers. Apparently the Alphas couldn't do it themselves, so they asked my familiar to do it for them." Achilles sighed, letting his hands down and walking over to his friends, seeing them calm when they saw it was just him.

"Of course they couldn't. I dont understand what got those assholes twisted, thinking they can order us around. We didn't have to be here to help their pack," Devon shook his head, not understanding why they were even still here.

Achilles nodded, rubbing the guy's back to ease his tension. "It might be because of me. Just because I was their mate, Damian and Dominic might think they can Boss me around and I'll let it slide," Achilled growled, taking his shoes of and sliding his feet in the water as he layed back and closed his eyes, enjoying the tingling of little minos nibbling at his toes.

"So why don't we leave? Why do we stay, knowing they are just going to use us until our pack needs us again?" Leon asked, leaning on his brother's chest as he sat between his legs comfortably.

"Probobly because their wolves know who I am. Chances are, their surgery can't change their wolves' feelings about their mate. Probably just keeps them down," Achilles replied calmly. It frustrated him that even now, his mates could not find it in them to love him. The idea sent a slight pang through his chest, but he ignored it.

"I'm sorry that they hurt you, Achilles. I know it's been a while, but I sure as hell know what it feels like to lose someone important. Maybe not a mate, but..." Leon's words faded into the air as he looked up at the sun setting.

Why couldn't it always be this calming? Why couldn't life be a gentle breeze instead of the deadly force it is now?

"I wanna stay like this forever," Leon mumbled, wrapping his hand around his brother's and looking at Achilles. "It seems so nice, not having to worry about mates or packs or global warming," He chuckled, causing Achilled to open his eyes and turn to face him.

"If life were like that then we wouldn't feel like we want to die almost everyday." He shook his head and stood up. "Alright guys, I think it's time we leave," He said.

"Aww but you just got here!" Devon pouted, pulling his twin up with a faint tug.

"I mean leave the pack in general. I'm tired of seeing my mates every day and remembering how I'm still alone. I dont thing He could handle it," Achilles sighed, flicking his head as if his wolf could feel it and not him.

The twins chuckle and Achilles grabbed his shoes, not bothering to put them on before taking long strides back to the pack, officially deciding they would leave soon, whether his mates liked it or not.

It wasn't until they were about a mile away when the trio heard the sound of fire burning wood, and loud cries echoing through the trees.

Achilles was confused, at first, at what the echoing was, but when he heard the deep voice of Zayne call out for help when he started running, fast as lightning, straight into chaos.

Fire was whipping along the dark wooden rooftops of many homes, large gaps insinuating an explosion had occurred. Thousands of men and women littered the streets, some holding bodies and others on the gravel, blood soaking their shreaded clothing.

"Rogues!" Achilles shouted, sprinting past a few arrows shot to him from nearby homes. The two men behind him were no longer there, leaving the large Male to fend for himself.

Achilles hid behind a thick tree trunk, questions running through his brain.

Where are the Alphas? Why are Rogues here? Is Zayne ok?

Zayne. Achilles had clearly heard the man's plead. The thought of his precious Familiar being tortured, raped, killed. He couldn't let that happen.

Achilles' anger was high when he suddenly heard a whimper from a few feet away. The man and his werewolve's minds clouded as Achilles' eyes turned a deep crimson red, and he stepped out from behind the tree and sprinted toward where he had heard the whimper.

'Achilles' was no longer Achilles, but a wild, brutal wolf encased in a muscly body. When they were closer, Achilles' body began to shift and change, and in a matter of seconds, his human male body was a large dark black wolf with sharp red eyes.

With one roar and eyes nearly blinded with rage as he neared Zayne's attacker, Achilles - or more like his wolf - had jumped and crushed the man who previously had a strong grip on the gasping Zayne's neck.

Achilles bit and snapped at the man in his human form, tearing his flesh in his blinding fit of rage.

Then, the werewolf felt a larger, heavier body jump on him and claw on his eyes before everything went black.

I'm thinking of ending this book soon... no until a few chapters, of course, but soon. Show me some feedback, and thank you to all the followers I now have, I dont even know why y'all follow me<3


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