My Fallen Angel

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Achilles had been bed ridden for nearly three weeks, after the slight enchantment Ethel had casted wore off.

"Your body won't heal," He had explained when Achilles confronted him the few times he was aware and awake. "It will feel fine, but you'll still have a couple of broken bones and other wounds that will only worsen with time."

And so Achilles layed, for almost a month, in the flower-smelling silk bed, with no communication to his friends or anyone else in the outside world. He could feel the connection to Zayne being tugged on constantly, as if his familiar was trying to talk through the link and reach his Master.

Nevertheless, Achilles did not answer, and so the many attempts stopped, till there were none left. Achilles felt some sort of emptiness in his heart, but he wasn't sure why. To him it had felt like less than a week of sleeping, walking up, eating, and repeating. Not once had he asked nor realized the reality of his situation, nor did he realize that his friends back home were eagerly awaiting and searching the arrival of their dearly beloved leader.

"They have been notified of your presence in our articulate realm," Ethel whispered, combing through Achilles' hair as he tried to lull the strong werewolf back to sleep.

"I don't want to sleep, I want to go home! My friends will need me, and my mates. . ." Achilles stopped himself before he could refer to the two men who took his heart and tore it into a hundred pieces. He still felt a tornado of feelings towards the werewolves who broke his heart, but love was not one of them. Achilles could never hate their handsome faces, and instead hated the feeling of desperation he gets when he realizes he will forever be lonely, while they have moved on.

"Wake up Achilles. It's time to get moving," The shaky voice of Ethel shouted from where he stood by the door of Achilles' small guest bedroom, the Omega lying in the soft sheets of bed, nearly completely healed but not at all rested.

"Why? What has happened?" Achilles asked, sitting up slowly from his sleeping form, rubbing tiredness from his eyes as he gazed steadily at the handsome elf.

"It seems the Vampyrs have attacked. It would be in your best interest to run, and forget this place," Ethel said as his eyes began glowing and a loud explosion followed by thick, fast-rising smoke filled the air.

"Wait, no! Ethel, I can help, please!" Achilles shouted, removing the covers and attempting to walk over the the tall man. Halfway to Ethel, Achilles fell to the floor with a loud thud, his low use of legs causing him to be disabled in his moment of need.

"Achilles please listen to me, the Vampyrs are enemies we have been fighting for centuries, so the fact that they have breached our inner walls means that we will no longer be able to hold them up for longer. Now please, look into my eyes and forget the weeks you've been here in my home, sleeping in my bed, and sharing your saddest of stories with my family and I. And please know that you will always have a place in my heart," Ethel whispered as screams began echoing through the large glass castle. Hundreds of people, all elves, scattered around trying to fight an unknown attack.

Achilles began crying, not wanting to forget. Despite not being able to walk for the few weeks he had been in the elf realm, his old life had felt like a hurricane, a neverending tale of sorrow and pain and madness that made Achilles feel as though even an endless life in oblivion would be better than this chaotic hell hole. Then he met Ethel.

Ethel had brought the tremendous amount of pain to a halt and had hugged his aching body throughout the long-lasting rejection process, as well as the remnants of rape and torture he had experienced throughout the time he was in the dungeon.

"You're brave, smart, and one of the strongest warriors I have ever met," Ethel held Achilles' shaking body as the two cryed together, neither wanting to say goodbye to their  newfound friendship, knowing it may very well be the last farewell before one of the two dies.

Achilles looked into the eyes of his savior, knowing very little about him but feeling the exact opposite. He didnt want to forget the hard working man who had stayed by his side while still having his own kingdom to rule.

Ethel wiped the tears away from Achilles' eyes and whispered one final sentence before the werewolve's vision went completely dark, his body giving up and falling to the floor in a painful bang.

"Goodbye, my Azazel," He whispered, kissed Achilles' cheek, and disappeared from the Omega's view as everything dissolved into nothingness and all that was left was the sound of death and destruction.

This is going to be slightly shorter, since I'm trying to get back into writing again, but I hope you enjoy!

The name Azazel means is Hebrew, incase you wanted to know<3

Omega Warrior- Book 1 In The Omega SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now