The Tapestry

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Sorry if there were a few notifications about updates. I merged a few early chapters together in order to make my story slightly more managed. Hope you guys like it!<3

Ethel smiled at Achilles warmly as they neared a large glass door with rubies and other gems implanted in a magnificent pattern.

"I'm glad. I was worried you might have forgotten, we were only with each other a few days," Ethel said as he placed his hand on the large glass door that raised about ten feet tall. The two walked in, Achilles keeping his eyes on the cold floor.

"You're much more beautiful when you don't have chains covering every inch of your body and a muzzle keeling you quiet," The elf attempted to joke, though Achilles didn't laugh much.

Ethel suddenly stopped, causing Achilles to run into the man's bare back and look up. Ethel turned and smiled, stepping to the side to give Achilles a better view of whatever had made him gasp.

Achilles looked up and saw a beautiful tapestry shaped like a diamond hanging onto something in the ice. It was embroidered red and green from top to bottom, with dark purple lettering on the center.

"When the time comes that the wind freezes water, a broken heart shall usher forth the dawn of men," The tapestry read, causing Achilles to stop breathing for a few seconds. His heart sped up and his chest ached as he stood there, not breathing and simply staring.

The lettering on the tapestry was exactly like the prophecy Luna Laura had spoken of, all that time ago. It had been a while, and Achilles' brain was foggy, considering he had been 15 at the time. Yet as soon as he read the words on the tapestry, his heart knew that those same words had once been spoken by the woman he had almost grown to call 'mother'. Now that woman was dead, and in her place stood these giant purple words that Achilles knew he would never forget.

"Are you ok. . ." Ethel attempted to ask Achilles, but was unable to finish as the elf hadn't learned his companion's name.

Achilles cleared his throat three times and breathed in deeply, relieved when the air flew back into his body and caressed his lungs with a chilling satisfactory.

"Achilles." The werewolf said simply, turning to the elf and looking up at his tall structure. The man was about 6'1, as Achilles could now tell since he was no longer on the floor.

Ethel nodded and glanced once more at the tapestry before leading Achilles to the right, following a bright red rug that served as a path to wherever the two were going.

It was not long before Achilles and Ethel stood in front of another door, this one smaller yet as thick as the first one, though both looked very similar.

"This is your room. It looks like a glass box for now, but by simply thinking about what you want your room to look and feel like, you can project your memories into a physical thing, this creating your dream room!" Ethel seemed excited, possibly from the opportunity to show off his species' new technology.

Achilles nodded quietly and Ethel took that as his cue to leave, briefly explaining to Achilles how to get to the kitchen from there, but by the time he was done and out the room, Achilles wasn't listening.

Instead, the young werewolf was already working on conjuring the perfect room in his mind. It was a room that actually existed, but was not his for long.

Suddenly a sharp ring filled his ears and Achilles tumbled to the floor, covering his sensitive ears with his palms. He groaned, frowning when the ringing stopped.

Achilles opened his eyes and looked around, awestruck. The bright blue walls were exactly as he had remembered. Light brown carvings were exactly as he had once seen then, layered in a perfect pattern on the dresser, table, and bed. The sheets on the bed were thick and white, with blue and white pillows looking extremely fluffy.

Oh how much Achilles missed this room. He remembered it as his invitation to the Warrior Pack, a gift from Ian and Andrew to the younger Achilles.

The werewolf smiled brightly, the first in a long time, running over to the bed and throwing his body onto it, the impact on his still open wounds causing a sharp pain and loud groan to erupt in many parts of his body.

Achilles sighed and looked down at his arms and wrist. The iron chains had carved their own perfect picture onto his skin, one that was sure to last for forever.

The werewolf did not care about what he had previously went through. All Achilles wanted to do was sleep and eat, then promptly find a way to get back to his friends without causing a disturbance in the elven society. Another war was not something Achilles wanted. It would most likely be the death of him if one did happen to start.

With a small yawn and light rubbing on his wrists, Achilles fell into a deep sleep, not realizing how worried his friends were for their beloved friend, and how determined they were to save him from a threat that was currently nonexistent.

Hopefully this is good. I wasn't too into it today, but I really wanted to add another chapter to keep up with the steady flow of updates. As always, comments, suggestions, etc. Are well appreciated! Love yall<3

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