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✍When the Alpha and Jamie bit Achilles' shoulder, he had screamed and blacked out. This was normal with all bites, so it wasn't surprising to anyone, even him, despite how he reacted.

It took three weeks for him to actually be able to walk again. That's how much it had hurt. Once the pain subsided, Achilles was called to the Alpha's office, along with the other new wolves.

Once again, he was lead by a guard. This one's name was Jameson Black, as he said. The man was 24, and was a Rank 4. Be was not as bulky as the other guards Achilles had met, but just as muscly. He also supported a ton of red hair in a large ponytail, much to Achilles' surprise. Jameson, or Mr. Black, as some seemed to call him, took Achilles through several hallways and up many stairs.

Soon, the two were in front of the Alpha's office, where Mr. Black knocked on the large wooden door. Alpha Thomas' voice rumbled from inside the room, calling the two waiting bodies to enter.

Although he is not the actual alpha, since this is a warrior pack, people still respect his one he is. Apparently Alpha Kai and Alpha Thomas are among the many Alphas who are Rank Fives.

Mr.Black and Achilles walked into the room, where the other newbies were standing with their guards. As it seemed, he was the last one to get there. When he walked in, Achilles took his place next to Regina and stayed quiet, as to let Alpha Thomas speak.

"Thank you all for coming. As you might already know, I am Thomas. No, I am not the Alpha. I am part of the most powerful group of werewolves out of all the wolves in our pack. So, I do expect respect, as do my colleagues. Now, to begin, let's do introduction. You. Start." Thomas said, pointing to the person on the farthest left.

"Hello, my name is Adam Menchoca. I am 19 and rank 4." Adam had black, extremely curly hair and pail blue eyes. He was no longer wearing rags, but a black suit and blue shoes that matched his looks.

"I am Alexandra Valentina. I am a 25 year old ranked three. I hope we all get to know each other!" A girl with a giggly voice said. She had pretty wavy blonde hair and hazel eyes, and seemed very excitable besides her age. She, too, was wearing nice clothes along with the other newbies. Apparently Achilles hadn't gotten the memo to dress nicely, as he had come in a simple T-shirt and shorts.

Next, a girl named Clarissa Leto, ranked four, with curly black hair and brown eyes spoke. She said she was eighteen, and even said she was here because her mate died.

Achilles' heart hurt as the girl spoke about her deceased mate. He felt a connection to her as she spoke, probably since he, too, had a hard time with mates. At least his were still healthy and walking this earth.

Clarissa was wearing a beautiful purple dress with golden engravements that showed off her nice curves. Even Achilles would've fallen in love with her at first sight. If she was a guy, that is.

Regina Noirs went, and she was ranked 3 and was 15 years old. She had red hair in a messy braid and auburn eyes. She wore tight shorts and a loose black shirt. Achilles could tell he wouldn't like her, just by her expression and snobby stance.

Finally, it was his turn. Achilles introduced himself as Achilles Basil, age fifteen, and Rank Three. Everyone in the room looked at him and his dark brown, almost black hair and bright yellow eyes. His clothes were barely presentable, especially in comparison to the dresses and suits of the others.

The alpha coughed, making all heads face him. He explained that they would be playing a 'game'.

"The game is called WPY. You will find out why soon. As you can see, there are a number of racks of weapons hanging from all shapes, sizes and colors. This is simple. Stay where you are, and the weapon will pick you. Any questions? Okay, let's start!" Thomas clapped his hands.

Omega Warrior- Book 1 In The Omega SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now