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✍Achilles had been woken by the most beautiful man in the world! Despite his looks, the boy was still wary of him.

They had talked for an hour (though this was at 4 a.m), and the man explained to Achilles that he was Tetsuyaama, the weapon, and that, that's why he and the other weapons are special.

Achilles had already been falling asleep by the time his curiosity and surprise had subsided, so he layed in bed, whispering a quick "goodnight" to his new weapon, who had found a place to sleep as well.

The path is dark and gloomy, with little light casting on it. I began walking, listening intently, yet only hearing the soft sound of my feet crunching against the rough rocks. After a while of walking, I came across an old highway that looked to be abandoned. As I walked for what seemed like hours, I see the faint aging of headlights in the distance. As they near l, I make out the car as a red Toyota Corolla speeding down the highway. I gasp, seeing who is inside. In the front, a man and woman with dark brown hair and crystal eyes, both different shades and colors, with a child sitting behind them. Then, it comes back to me. I begin to cry as I remember my parents and I going back home from Seattle. My dad and mom had always been the jokingly couple. We had been speeding across the highway when I began giggling. Both parents looked back at me for a second with smiling faces. In two seconds, we are somehow twirling like a ballerina in the new Toyota Corolla. We did so, hitting the metal sides of the highway, until we were plunging down, finally coming to a stop. My back ached, and I could feel blood soaking through my torn up shirt. Tears still flooded through l as I tried to check on my parents. When I finally got out of my jammed seatbelt, I screamed at what I saw.

Just to let you know, this next part may be a little bit... gruesome, so to speak. Just know that his parents were really graphic. Bai loves!

My parents, the ones who birthed and raised me, were sitting with blood everywhere. A loose piece of metal had stabbed my father in the throat, and blood dripped from his mouth and neck. My mother was not any better. Her beautiful brown locks had been pulled completely out, her face had glass shards sticking out from all sides, and worst of all, my mothers eyes were sticking out of their sockets, only staying on because of the string of muscles. Blood was everywhere, along with my tears. Sobbing, I screamed in aggony as I began feeling the scars running down my back.

"Master!" A deep, sexy males voice shouted.

Achilles was crying in his bed, tears soaking the crusty, stained pillow. He was sobbing, just like in the dream, as he was pulled into strong arms. Achilles weeped on the shoulder of his 'weapon', though it didn't feel right calling him a weapon, so he decided on a name for his human form.

Achilles pulled back from his grasp, still crying, and looked into his eyes. The green crystal orbs were full of emotions, mainly worry for their master, as they scanned Achilles' face for pain.

"Zayne," Achilles whispered. The name flew off his lip in a rather pleasuring motion. His expression became one of shock, and soon, he was crying, too. So, they cried together. Master and servant, alone and emotional.

Achilles fell asleep once again, Zayne wrapping him in his warm embrace. Never once did he question why his master was crying, or why he had that nightmare. He just kept silent and held the boy.

The next morning Achilles woke up, hair as oily as ever, clothes a complete wreck, and heavy bags under his eyes.

Achilles was called for breakfast immediately, only given time to pee in the bucket and have Zayne turn into a weapon again.

"You have been called to meet the woman known as 'Luna' around here, so don't do anything I wouldn't do." Mr.Black said strictly.

Achilles noted his unusual glances around the room, carefully inspecting, as if watching out for someone. Or something.

Achilles did not have much time to think of this, because after what felt like a million years, the two reached the grand dinning area.

Walking inside, Achilles immediately noticed the gold statues of men and women, all cuddling in some way. As they walked more towards the grand table, his eyes caught one statue in particular.

This statue was wooden, unlike all the others. The man was perfectly carved, looking exactly like Alpha Thomas. The woman beside him, whom he was holding, was a beautiful girl, with long, flowing locks of hair and a perfect fitting dress.

Again, unlike the other statues, these two were not holding each other's in a lover's embrace. It was more of a protective, siblingly stance.

Alpha had his right arm wrapped around the girl, and she was turning her head so that it was turned in a respective position.

When finally Achilles finally looked away from the beautiful masterpiece, he saw an even better sight to behold.

Please enjoy! I've been getting a lot of support, so thank you so much. This is what was the Valentine's Special, but I redid it. Hope you like💜💜

Omega Warrior- Book 1 In The Omega SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now