Heat Of Hell

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Once again, on the second night in a row, Achilles julted awake painfully. Heat embraced his skinny, pale form as he began to scream in agony. Nothing had touched him. He was beginning to feel as if he was burning from the inside.

Achilles' scream startled Zayne, as he shot out of his bed, hair in a tangled black mess.

"Master?" He called, as he ran to the side of the bed in which Achilles layed. "What's wrong?" He asked, worriedness evident in his husky voice.

Achilles screamed once again, not in pain this time, but in pleasure. Zayne's face flushed as he realized what was happening.

He ran out in the hallway, leaving Achilles to crumble up in pain and pleasure. When Zayne returned, two new figures stood behind him.

One of the people, as Achilles finally sorted out their tall, muscular figure, was Andrew. The one next to Andrew was Ian. Both had worried expressions as Zayne told them what was happening.

"He is in his first heat." He explained, vigorously grabbing cloths and dipping them in a bucket of  (hopefully) cold water.

Ian nodded, quick to understand why the two were brought here. "Please layer the cloths along his body. It will keep him cool. We will stand guard and make sure no unmated 'beasts' come in." He said, dragging Andrew, who hadn't said a word, along with him.

The two closed the door to the room, which was beginning to heat due to the small omega's heat. Zayne walked up and locked the door behind them, serving as an extra protection from the horny bastards that might try to do something to his master.

Zayne pulled up a chair and continued with with cold cloths, making sure they did not get warm. Every once in a while, loud banging could be heard from outside, evidence of the Omega's heat attracting others. And it was true, for even Zayne, a shape shifting familiar, was feeling the effects of the Omega's heat.

Long, hot hours locked up in the room followed the days after that. Zayne never left Achilles' side, and Ian and Andrew began switching jobs. One day, for the first few hours, Andrew would stand guard outside the door, while for a few hours, Ian might do the same. They switched every once in a while, making sure someone was at the door at all times, in order to keep Achilles safe.

Hopefully you guys like it! I'm trying to get back in after the short hiatus, so thank you for the patience.

Omega Warrior- Book 1 In The Omega SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now