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Achilles apparently hadn't woken up in two weeks, or so he was told by Zayne. He couldn't be sure, for he had been bed ridden for the past few days since has woken up.

A bomb, having been placed at the centre of the Town Square, mere feet away from where Achilles had been standing.

The enemies had known, alright. They had planned their deaths, knowing somehow that they would not make it out alive. The only question was, why would they do it? They easily had more control over their pack, and most definitely could have killed all of them, with as much as they outnumbered their pack.

Achilles sighed and allowed his head to rest against the white pillow of his bed. He wasn't able to talk, and apparently his right eardrum had been damaged when the bomb exploded. The only reason Achilles had even survived was because he was built over the years to withstand such power.

"Hello master, how are you feeling?" Zayne said as he entered the room, sounding like a faint echo in the one working ear of Achilles'.

Zayne placed a silver platter with a small pile of chocolate chip cookies on a white plate and a cup of warm tea inside, both objects warm and freshly made.

Achilles grunted, not being able to speak and vision still very blurry. His bandage wraps around his eyes had only just come off a day ago, so Achilles spent most if his hours with his eyes closed.

Zayne nodded in return of the grunt and smiled, pulling up a small wooden chair and sitting next to Achilles, who was laying in the king sized bed.

"Dominic and Damien are coming today. Apparently Dominic just recently got surgery done, and their arrival was delayed due to his health," Zayne spoke loudly, Achilles could tell from how his voice rang in his ears slightly. Sounds did not necessarily hurt, but made him feel more uncomfortable than anything.

"In other news, the workers are almost finished with the rebuilding the damage that was made by the bomb. It's sad to say that the building closest to it had to be knocked down. We have hope of a new Bakery being rebuilt once the Alphas come back," Zayne continued talking long after this, explaining to Achilles what he could not see for himself.

The poor young werewolf began to get stressed, possibly from the long amount of time in bed, or the need to shift after weeks of not doing so. Most likely both.

After Zayne helped Achilles with his small treat, the man stood up and grabbed the platter, walking silently out the door as he realized Achilles had fallen asleep.

"Sleep well, Prince," Zayne whispered as he lightly shut the door, holding the platter with one hand and careful not to make any noise.

Zayne felt a slight pang in his heart from seeing his master in such a state. It was rare for werewolves to get injured as badly as Achilles had, but even werewolves are not immune to most fatalities.

With a sigh, the man brought the now empty cup and plate to the kitchen, smiling as he entered and was greeted by Lenton, the mate of Meredith, who was about ten years older than Zayne, who was twenty years of age.

"Good afternoon," Lenton smiled, though the motion did not reach his eyes. He seemed focused as he chopped up carrots and green beans, most likely for the return of his two alphas.

"Afternoon. Anything I can help with?" Zayne questioned as he placed the tray inside the sink and began washing it.

"No, I dont believe so. Meredith just went with Samuel and Margo to pick some herbs from the garden. Everyone else has just about finished their duties until supper. Thank you, though," The man said, bowing his head slightly as he continued chopping.

Omega Warrior- Book 1 In The Omega SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora