Happy Holidays

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A chapter I deleted from over a year ago! This has nothing to do with the actual story, so enjoy!

Who remembers you when you are gone? That is the question that swirls through my mind every Christmas Eve, as I remember my beautiful mate.

I sat on my brown leather couch, that rests in the large mansion that my younger mate hard worked for. He was a worker, that one.

As I think this, my twin and our children walk in the room. Or, scamper some for them.

My brother, Dominic Rayson, is my mate as well. Our younger, shared mate was Achilles Basil.

The five children that my mates and I shared were all beautiful, three out of five looking like Achilles.

The two youngest, twins, Abigail and Rosemarie, are beautiful girls at the age of seven, with brown hair and dark blue, almost black, eyes.

Jameson, our third oldest, is ten years old. He has brown hair and red eyes, which tend to shine in the darkness.

The second oldest is Theo, and he is a very gifted boy. He is fourteen years old, and already found his mate, thought Dominic and I try to keep them as separated as possible. Theo has the wonderfullest gold eyes, just like me. He also has blond hair like my grandfather.

Lorenzo, at the age of eighteen, is the oldest. His deep purple eyes shine with wisdom, and his raven hair is as dark as the things he has seen. I suppose it is Dominic and I's fault, unfortunately.

I stay sitting on the couch, staring at nothing. My brother walks in, a deep sadness in his eyes. You see, today was the day our mate had died. So, I suppose that is to blame for my brother's sadness and the many empty bears on the coffee table.

The three younger kids run and just on me, making me groan. The twins both give me kisses on opposite cheeks, while the rest of my kids hug me, including the two eldest.

Remember what I said about Theo already knowing his mate? Yeah, that's his older brother, Lorenzo. They are adorable, and we support them in every way, shape, and form.

Rosemarie and Abigail sit on the carpet in front of me, looking up at me with beautiful eyes.

Jameson sits next to me, on the couch, quietly looking at his two sisters. He had been the 'outsider' in most of his ten years of life. That, I blame our mate.

Dominic and the two older kids sat at the couch in front of me.

"Daddy?" Little Rosemarie asked. "Can you tell us a story about mommy?"

The youngest of the bunch nodded their heads in agreement, whereas their older sibling fake coughed. My brother met my gaze with understanding.

After all, Rose, Abby, and Jameson had never seen their mother, my mate. Theo and Lorenzo have, though, since it's only been four years since their mother was killed.

"Sure, loves. I'll tell you the story of the most courageous man that dad and I had ever met. You see, your dad and I were stupid. We didn't love your mother at first, and were really mean to him.

Eventually, we were so mean that he left us, and became a different person than the Omega that he was made out to be.

He was there for so long, and so many centuries had past since had last seen him. After a while, we grew up, and began to understand what it meant to have someone that was made to love and cherish.

After lots of fights and wars and bickering, your dad and I were able to finally get your mother back, after so long. The three of us had kids together.

The first one, Lorenzo, was a beautiful baby that seemed to have a bond to our second son, Theo. Then our third son came and we were so happy to have such a big family. But we wanted more. Two more babies named Abigail and Rosemarie blessed our lives with joy and happiness.

Then, an unfortunate event happened and your mother grew sick. He didn't go to the hospital to breath his dying breath, he stayed here, and died with his mates.

Your father and I, we-" I was unable to continue due to the emence amount of sobbing coming from me. So, my love stepped in.

Dominic' s Point Of View

Damien began sobbing as he told the story of our grave loss, of the time that our mate was taken from us.

So, I did what any mate would do. I helped him.

"We were devastated. As anybody would be if they lost someone they loved right in front of them.

But, we did not lose hope. We kept all the letters your mother sent, all the memories of the past, and best of all, we kept five beautiful kids that helped usnstay strong till the rest of our days"

I walked over and hugged my crying brother, and mate. Abigail and Rosemarie sat on my lap, Jameson on Damien's, and Theo and Lorenzo wrapped their arms around us.

There, we sat there, as a family, remembering and recalling all the memories of our mate and their mother.

Though it was Christmas Eve and Santa was supposed to bring presents, not once did the little ones ask to sleep.

It was only around two a.m where they fell asleep, all except Jameson and Lorenzo, whom had been listening intently to their stories.

It was surprising, to say the least, that Jameson was so interested. Sure, it was his mother, but he was six when Achilles died.

After asking for more stories, the two fell asleep with dry tears on their face, and sadness In their hearts. Jameson sat on Lorenzo's lap and they both layed sideways on the couch.

Though our family was once shattered and broken without my husband, the world still goes on. And although Achilles is no lo get with us, the family has made it's way through.

The twists and turns of life are simply dents in this world's ways. When the five beautiful children all woke up, that was the quote they heard as they began tearing at gifts, some of which contained special letters, hand written by their mother himself.

Hope you guys enjoyed this small interlude as I revise and edit this terrible story😂

Omega Warrior- Book 1 In The Omega SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now