2019 Valentines Special

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I know what I said, and trust me, I'm not going back on it. I just feel obligated to post SOMETHING. So, in honor of not having a valentine this year (or any year, lol) I have decided to do a small (and slightly late) valentines twist. Hope you enjoy!<3

Also, Warning: ZayneXAchilles ship

Zayne bent over to pick a small white daisy that had fallen from its stem after being cut by and animal or some other strong force.

He smiled, looking up at the forest in front of him and bringing the daisy an inch close to his lips before blowing softly. The small fluffs twisted and turned, dancing in circles as the wind carried them like a graceful song. He smiled again, face shining in the bright light of the sun.

Suddenly two hands wrapped around Zayne's back, pulling into the rock hard abs of the man behind him. Turning, Zayne's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Yes?" He giggled slightly at the slightly taller Achilles, who looked down at him with love and care, caressing Zayne's cheek with his right hand as his left held the smaller man to his chest tightly.

"Just wanted to see you, babe. It's Valentine's Day after all," Achilles winked, letting go of Zayne and stepping back, giving the familiar the sight of the beautiful brown cabin that was littered with vines and surrounded by wild flowers. The house had been built nearly a decade ago by the strong hands of Achilles and their closest friends. The house was theirs, now and forever, and served as a symbol of their love.

"Oh? And what are you going to give me this time baby?" Zayne purred, turning back to his larger lover and raising his hands to the man's face, setting them behind his neck and pulling him into a thoughtful kiss.

"I think you know," Achilles whispered in his lover's ear, gasping slightly for breath. He grabbed Zayne's hand and led the man into the house, love and lust the only thing on his mind.


"Who is that, daddy?" A beautiful blonde girl with puppy dog eyes and dazzling features asked innocently, watching Zayne's older and wiser face slack with fright. A man stood before the two, a blood axe in his hand and a red gasoline tank in his other.

Noticing her father's scared expression, the girl, Enda, ran to her younger brother of two years and pulled him close, cuddling his seven year old body. The large man eyed Zayne and his kids, examining their reactions to his slightest movement.

As soon as the stranger moved, shooting out and arm to throw gas, Zayne bolted to his kids, aiming only for their protection. His maternal instinct began pumping blood through his veins and allowing sparks of adrenaline to come through, knowing he would not allow his and Achilles' pups to be hurt on his watch.

Zayne hunched his back into a skillful fighting stance as the stranger began slashing things with his ax. He was obviously human, that was apparent by the fact that his muscly arms showed many scars, faded and bold, whereas werewolves would have healed even the deepest wounds.

The thing that also gave it away were his eyes and teeth. Werewolves hold more pointed teeth for ripping flesh off their opponent as well as bright illuminated eyes similar to endless colored holes. Humans on the other hand bad rounder, messier teeth with eyes of more emotion. And this man's eyes were full of rage, hunger, and pure insanity.

"Enda, Emitt! Run for fucks sake!" Zayne screamed as he pounced on the bulky human, claws slicing through his own skin and impaling the thigh of the man as his kids bolted past them through the door. Achilles was nowhere to be seen, and it was then that Zayne wondered who's blood the ax was coated with.

The idea of his lover's blood anywhere but in his body sent Zayne into a fit of rage, power pumping through his fist with every swipe of his claws. The human shook and screamed in a ragged voice, but it fell on deaf ears as Zayne ripped and tore at anything and everything his could get a hold of.

With his kids away from the threat, Zayne was ready to use the small amount of supernatural abilities he had to defend the home he and Achilles had built all those years ago. If the werewolf was dead, there was no way Zayne would let the house or his kids go too. Something had to stay.

Gasoline splashed everywhere as the fight continued, the bloody ax lost in the midst of the terrifying exchange. The human, still angry, was blinded by his rage and did not see the murderous animal that was ready to die for what he loved.

Something small fell to the floor from the stranger's pocket, going unnoticed by the two wrestling men. That was, until they smelled it.

The object that had fallen was a lighter, which had accidentally turned on and was now making it's way throughout the room, using the gasoline as a path for it's fast destruction.

The house caught quickly, and all that Zayne could yell was a quick "NO" before the house, and the two men with it, went boom.

The aftermath was sickening. Blood splattered on the dark brown grass as pieces of wood flew through the air. Enda and Emitt were flung into the nearby trees, both slamming their skulls into the trees and then the ground, the life sucking out of them instantly.

Ashes were scattered by the bitter wind and birds no longer sang as they once did just years before. The flower field in front of Achilles and Zayne's house was gone, replaced with the sad emptiness of dust on the graveyard of sadness.

A lone painting, one of Achilles, Zayne, their kids, and Leon and Devin layed, cracked and stained but somehow still there. A small fire still remained, slowly engulfing the picture until all was gone.

Somehow, in mere seconds, the world the two men had made for themselves had been demolished, and in its wake layed piles of ash and dust.

This is a little bit different from the one last year, which I had deleted because people thought it spoiled the book. I may or may not repost it, but please note that this is N O T part of the story. I simply wanted to write the fake sad ending to a ship someone might actually enjoy (I know I do).

Love yall. Hope you enjoyed!<3

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