Blood is Thick

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Achilles woke, shivering from a bitter cold that felt like small pricks on his rough skin. The werewolf's body would not move, no matter how long he tried to pry his lying form off the fluff white material he could only assume was snow.

"I see you're awake," A cheery male voice sounded from the right of where Achilles was laying, though he could not move his head to see who it was.

"I'm sorry for putting you in the snow. Your body heat was too hot for my guards to handle. Unfortunately elves are quite sensitive to fevers and anything hotter than snow," The same voice now spoke closer, the owner's body walking to stand in front of Achilles with loud crunches of snow.

The man who stood before Achilles' damaged body was tall and muscular, though less so than Achilles himself. He had broad shoulders and the palest skin, while bright purple eyes complimented his light brown, nearly blonde, hair.

"I will pick you up now, since it seems your fever has gone down. My doctors have notified me that you are temporarily paralyzed," The man bent down in front of Achilles and tugged at the werewolf's skin, testing the temperature in hopes that he would not be burned.

"Very well then. Let's go," The man grunted before lifting Achilles up with all his strength, finding his body weight and height very different from the tiny Omega the elf could smell from within his deep brown locks.

The beautiful elf carried Achilles over his back, making sure not to touch too much of his skin while struggling to keep the werewolf in a strong hold. The two did not walk for long before Achilles could see glass underneath the elf's feet from his place on his shoulder.

"We are at the castle now, no need to worry," The elf smiled kindly, eyes glowing even an even brighter purple than Zayne's own young and energetic eyes.

Achilles tried to talk, but to no avail. His mouth simply hung open and it seemed the only part of his body he could feel and control were his fingers.

"I dont know if you remember me, but I'm Ethel, the man from the cell. Do you remember me?" The elf spoke calm and gently, as if afraid to damage Achilles any other way by using anything above a whisper.

Achilles couldn't use his mouth, so he used a different technique. One that the elf before him, Ethel, had taught him himself.

Tap. Yes.

POV Switch

The freezing cold car was quiet aside from the slight hum of the engine and the murmur of the wind as it swished passed the small cracks between each door. The tension in the small compact space had been heavy since the two werewolves and familiar had gotten into the car, until now. For the nearly three hours the group had been in the small car, the atmosphere was thick with thoughts of the future and Achilles. Every mind seemed to unconsciously be asking what is to come for the future of their Warrior Pack, and most importantly, the future of Achilles Basil, the pack's top warrior and the chosen heir to the leader position in Alpha Kai's place.

"How do we do it? How the hell do we break it to the pack that their top warrior, the leader's heir, and one of the most respected werewolves around was kidnapped by an unknown force and taken to lord knows where?" The gruff voice of Zayne exclaimed, pronouncing every thought the three had been having in one sentence.

Neither twin answered, for both their eyes were stuck staring out the window at the Pack House, fear in their eyes as they contemplated what to do.

Their leader was gone. The group would no longer be whole until Achilles was found alive. The three men hoped to every god in existence that their beloved friend was found, safe and sound.

"Let's make a promise. Right here, right now," Leon grunted as the car stopped, fixing his eyes on his friends in front of him as he held his arm out, causing the other two to stop their attempt at getting out.

"What do you mean? What promise?" Devin asked, glancing over his twin's large body, searching for a hint at what the werewolf was saying.

"A promise between the tree of us. One that can never be broken, for it will bound us together by blood," Leon's voice resonated throughout the car as his anger was pushed into his words.

"A promise that the tree of us, some day, will find Achilles and bring him home, then stay together till the end of our time here on this earth," Leon held out his right wrist to the two, getting weird looks from his twin and friend.

"A promise mark is a bite between friends that signifies a promise that can never be broken, no matter how hard one tries. Until this promise is accomplished, we will be bound by blood for the rest of our time," He explained with a shaky voice, watching carefully as Devin and Zayne rolled up their sleeves and showed their own wrists.

"On the count of three," Leon said, looking around for approving nods, to which he received.

"One. Two. Three!" The sound of werewolf canines and teeth puncturing skin was a faint noise that filled the car as the three men signed a blood bound treaty to never forget or give up on their lost friend.

The three grinned at each other, all wishing for the same thing. For Achilles to be by their side. Deep down in their hearts, they could sense their friend's pain and despair. The pain was no worse than that of a bandaid ripping off skin constantly, so they didn't realize it, but the moment the three decided their own destinies with a blood bound oath, their fates were sealed. And with them, Achilles' eternal doom. Because in reality, blood is thick. And when you have both blood and friendship with a person, you begin to feel a sense of love that will be permanently established in your mind till the day you die. Whether you like it or not.

I'm not sure if I liked this update as much as the last, since it was meant to be a continuation of Achilles' POV but slowly turned into that of his friends. Hopefully you dont mind either way, and please tell me if you have any comments, suggestions, or tips to help me make my writing and story better! Love y'all<3

Omega Warrior- Book 1 In The Omega SeriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ