•Day 3•

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Achilles woke up the next morning, wiping his eyes of the early morning tears that had naturally appeared on his face due to lack of sleep. Looking to the right, a small, tired smile appeared on his face as he saw Zayne on the bed next to him, wrapped in the blueish-green covers that Samson had given them.

The night before, Achilles had experienced a horrible heat, one that was so bad, he unfortunately had to ask Zayne to help. Their relation ship wasn't anything sexual or romantic, Zayne was simply a man that would do anything for his Master, whether he felt comfortable or not.

This was why the two young men were both naked, in the same bed, and the sheets on Zayne's mattress was still completely made and untouched.

Achilles stood from his position on the bed, stretching his arms and popping his bones. With a groan, the naked man walked to the bathroom and turned the knob on the shower to almost steaming hot, just how he liked it.

The man felt sort of bad for Zayne, the poor guy having been in a ton of pain in his back region when they were done last night. It almost made Achilles chuckle, though it was only the thought of how rough he had unintentionally gotten was what caused his amusement, not Zayne's pain itself.

Nevertheless, Achilles opened the shower curtain and stepped in, the feeling of hot water running along his tense muscles exciting him.

Minutes later, Achilles heard the door to the bathroom open and smiled slightly to himself. He knew Zayne could smell his heat. Even Achilles himself could tell when it got this bad.

Zayne knocked slightly on the wall with a grunt and Achilles pulled the shower curtain away slightly, only moving it enough for Zayne to see his face.

"Morning." Zayne grunted again, rubbing his eyes from the tiredness and trying to hide the fact that they probobly only slept an hour, their session having been long and sensual.

Achilles smiled, more awake that a few minutes before, and opened the curtains wider, inviting the other in.

Zayne gladly took the opportunity, stepping in with all of his naked glory. Zayne immediately grabbed a sponge and coated it with a layer of body wash, then turned Achilles around, and began washing the man's back as Achilles worked on his hair.

When Achilles was entirely clean, he helped Zayne to the same to his body, though he was a bit more sexual when it came to the lower region.

The slightest touch sent a squeak out of Zayne's mouth, causing the man to grin. The two finished up in the bath and turned the running water off, Achilles grabbing a towel and helping Zayne dry.

Once the two were done with their morning routine, which included brushing their teeth and hair, getting dressed, and then heading out, the two men were wide awake and ready to go on a small exploration for Troye.

"Here. I'll carry you." Achilles said, holding his dominate hand out and waiting for Zayne. The man closed his eyes and swift and skillfully turned into the beautiful weapon that Achilles knew and loved.

Together, the two exited the house. Achilles began running straight towards the woods, his previous speed and agility training presumably noticeable to any that may have passed by.

Achilles only stopped when he found what they were looking for. Zayne turned back into his human form and gazed at what was in front of him, confusingly.

A small bush, looking just as any other bush in this huge forest layed, sat right under a huge oak tree. Achilles nodded to himself and bent down, beginning to rummage through the branches as Zayne looked around for anyone spying on them.

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