It's Time To Go

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Several years passed after Achilles' first heat. Many more followed after, of course, as he was growing into a rightful wolf.

He started his life at the bottom of the pack. Being a useless omega, he never had a chance to grow or develop skills that were needed to create an Alpha Warrior.

Now, he is 23 years old. Zayne had stuck by him for so long. Through the Battle of Montoy, where millions of rogues attacked, to the death of Alpha Thomas, Mr. James Black, and Luna Laura. Achilles had encountered many deaths over the few years he had been alive, especially within the 8 years of his Warrior Training. He has grown, and is now stronger than most Leader Rogues, or Pack Alphas.

This proved to be of an advantage in war. Achilles was the primary weapon for Alpha Kai. The two were a powerful group, especially surrounded by full-fledged beasts of werewolves.

No, that does not mean anything bad. It means the entire pack, with over 3 million wolves that all left their packs for different reasons, are known for being the strongest, best of the best, and probobly the most ambitious.

Despite this, they dropped like flies from not thinking, and only doing, not realizing the mistakes of their actions before it was too late. But even so, many of them are murder machines.

One day, on a beautiful Wednesday morning, Alpha Kai called Achilles into his office. The two had become like father and son, with Ian and Andrew close cousins to Achilles.

Achilles walked through the  corridor that now became so familiar, he could go through it in pitch dark blackness, and would still find his way.

He knocked on the door to the Alpha's chambers, though he didn't need to. It was simply out of respect for his newly developed father figure.

Kai yelled for him to open the door, voice rough and croaky, as if he had been crying.

Achilles ran towards the man, who sat at his beautiful mahogany desk, littered with papers of confidential information.

"Kai? Are you ok, sir?" Achilles had now lost the whole 'Alpha' thing last spring, when the two nearly brawled about the title.

Kai nodded, raising his large and rather beat up hand, evidence to his old age and long, hard years, and spoke, this time slow and steadier.

"My son, I need you to do something for me. I never wanted to do this, but I suppose it can not be helped. I need you to go to the place where your old mates reside. I need you, son, to bond with them once again. For I am getting old now, and with a quick transition of my blood cells and memories, you could be the heir to this strong warrior pack." Kai spoke, voice cracking half way through, feeling the pain that loosing his mate had brought him.

The old Alpha knew the gods would never let him leave this earth, until his successor was ready. Although he knew it was selfish, it was all the Alpha could think of to end the pain.

Achilles sat, kneeling beside his father, eyes damp with unshead tears.  He nodded. If this was what he had to do to end the man's suffering, he would do it.

"Yes, father. I shall do it so that your heart no longer fills with pain, and you may, once again, reside to the gods." Achilles said, standing up and letting go of the hand he had been squeezing in reassurance.

"I shall leave by tomorrow. I will make sure to join you at breakfast, first." He said, smiling widely at the thought of having one of Ian's delicious home made breakfast.

Achilles walked back to his dwelling, slower this time, so that he could think about what was about to happen in the next day. His heart broke at the thought of leaving his father and friends, as well at the idea of meeting his mates, who he hadn't seen in years.

He returned to his home, unlocking and locking the door once he stepped in. Achilles breathed in a sigh of relief at the sound of pots and pans clunking, a sign of Zayne's presence.

Zayne smiled warmly at his master, allowing the man to settle in. "Hello master, I hope you had a good day." The man said, thoughtfully continuing to cook whatever it was he was making in the small, cluttered kitchen.

That night, once dinner was eatten and the plates had been washed, Achilles layed in his small bed, only a few feet away from Zayne's.

He sighed, knowing that he would have to wake up early the next morning and tell Zayne the terrible news.

But for now, the man rested peacefully, despite knowing it was his last night doing so in his lovely bedroom.

I hope yall like it! I tried<3

Omega Warrior- Book 1 In The Omega SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now