Chapter 15

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Alex pov-

I haven't taken my antidepressants for three months I always would throw them up whenever my dad force me to take them or when he didn't feel like dealing with me. I never like the side effects that my anti-depressants would cause me, it had caused me to have insomnia so I completely stopped taking them. That had made my dad to become a jerk about it saying. "They were a waste of money any way you know they wouldn't have help you" so my dad never went to the pharmacy to pick up medication.... He must have kept these. " take them or you can get the hell out of here" he growled.

I didn't acknowledge him I just kept staring at the damn bottle it felt like it was mocking me for not taking it anymore. "Fine since you can't choose I'll choose for you" he finally added my dad picks up the bottle and grabs the front of my jacket and begin to drag me to the front door, he opens the door and threw me out. I landed on my stomach I looked at him " you can come back once you have taken your medicine" he yelled then he threw the medication bottle beside my head and he slammed the door I quickly got up and ran to the door. I started to pound on the door pleading for him to let me back in, but that only caused him to turn the lights off inside.

I stopped pounding at the door after I saw him turn off all the lights tears clouded my eyes when I realize he wouldn't let me in until I took my antidepressants. I walked away from the door and pick up the bottle, I examine it I didn't want to take them again risking that it might cause me to have insomnia. I stuff them in my sweatpants pocket and headed to the entrance of the junkyard, I gave one look at the trailer... He wanted me to make a choice I'll make a choice I'm killing myself tonight I know he wouldn't care but I know one person who would my mom "maybe I should visit mom before I do this" I whispered sadly I put my hands in my jacket pocket and begin to walk to my mother gravesite.

Jason pov-

I laid in my bed while I listen to my parents argue downstairs I groaned it was getting on my last nerve. I rolled on my side and stared at my window maybe I should go for a drive I thought, then Alex came to my mind maybe him and I should go for a drive together but I shook my head he probably doesn't want to bother or he might be sleep. But I had a strange feeling that something was wrong I sat up "maybe I should go check on him"I whispered as I got of bed and grabbed my red striped shirt that was laying on my floor and put over my head then I grabbed my black leather jacket that was hanging on my bed's railing and put it on as well. I went to my window and open it quietly then I started to climb out the window until I felt my feet hit the grass and walked to my truck I dug in my jacket pocket and pulled out my car keys I unlock the truck and headed inside it I started the ignition and begin to back out of the driveway to head to Alex's trailer.

Alex pov-

A soft smile reached my lips when I stopped at a lovely forest my dad didn't want to put my mom in a graveyard so he found this forest to put my mother in. This place reminded me of my mother personalty gently and calm, I take a deep breath and headed to large an oak tree where my mother was buried my dad had to bury her when she passed away and that had caused him to change into the man he is now. Underneath the oak tree laid a gravestone I crouched down and wiped the leaves the fallen on it, then I read her epitaph it said - here lies Grace Anne Williams a loving mother and a kind heart 1983-2013-  tears flooded my eyes when I finished reading " hi mom how it been "I said to the gravestone.

I laid my back against oak tree and continue to talk to my mom "I miss you mom nothing has been the same since you left"I explained. " dad and I got an argument so he kick me out the trailer" I begin pull out pieces of grass " if you were here dad would be back to his goofy self but you aren't and that has hurt him greatly and he turning that hurt into anger blaming me for your death he even started to beat me" I said voice filled with pain I sit closer to her grave and pull my legs close to my chest, " these years have been a struggling mom and I can't do it anymore" I said tears rolling down my face " I'm tired of dad's abuse and I'm tired of feeling like this...... I just want to join you" I said voice cracking from every word. I felt the wind brush against my cheek it felt like a mother comforting me I laughed quietly but it wasn't enough, " mom you probably won't like what I'm going to do next but soon you'll understand"I said sadly as pulled out the pistol from my jacket pocket. The urge of dying was getting stronger....soon I'll be free as I place the barrel to my head I begin to hear the voices of the students again they were encouraging me to pull the trigger. 

"Shoot yourself'

            1. I place my finger on the trigger

"pull the trigger"

             2. I slowly begin to push at it

    "end it all" 

         3. "mom I'm going to be with you soon"

Jason pov-

I drove to Alex's trailer but I couldn't find him in his van and I saw that the trailer's lights were off so I thought he was sleep. But that feeling of something being wrong was growing like cancer, so now I'm driving mindless down in abandoned road looking for Alex. I tapped my steering wheel in panic, "where are you Alex" I whispered I stopped my truck at a forest I needed a break I got out of my truck and slammed the door. I'll keep looking for him after I have a quick smoke I headed into the forest, I sighed it felt peaceful here I dig in my jacket pocket and pull out a cigarette from my cigarette case. then I took out my lighter before I could lit the cigarette I heard a voice mumbling, I quickly put the cigarette away and begin to flick my lighter so I could see better then I followed where the voice was coming from.

I tried not to drop my lighter when I found Alex he was sitting by a gravestone with a pistol against his head. he was mumbling something under his breath but that wasn't important right now, any second the gun would go off I didn't want to yell or it might startle him which will cause him to shoot himself. I swallow the saliva that was clogging up my throat and spoke softly "Alex" he slowly opens his eyes then blinks, when we made eye contact he glared at me but I notice that his eyes were bloodshot red and filled with pain...... he looked like a broken soul we stayed quiet for moment until Alex pointed the pistol at me. I backed up slowly but I didn't go anywhere  ALEX.NEEDED.ME.

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