We Need To Save Her | Flash Thompson (TR) / Peter Parker [TH/TM]

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to call him and see if he's alright," you said. "I'll see you in study hall?"

"Of course," he said.

You stood up and smiled.

The hall was quiet and mostly empty as you went to your locker. Just as you started to unlock it, you head a set of footsteps as Flash walked out of the principal's office, head down, arms full of papers and books from missed assignments.

Your heart skipped a beat and you felt yourself fill up with joy and excitement, only for it all to come crashing down. If he was okay, why was he ignoring you?

"Eugene," you called out, leaving your locker and walking towards him.

His head snapped up. You stopped dead in your tracks.

He looked sick.

The skin around his eyes was purple and his hair was a mess on top of his head. He looked ten pounds skinnier than the last you'd seen him, and that was only six days ago.

"Oh my gosh, babe." His eyes filled with tears at the name, which only added to your concern. "What happened?" you asked, voice falling soft. You took a step forward.

He took one small step back, cringing like it hurt to look at You. "You need to stay away from me," he mumbled.


"Please," he said. "Just leave me alone."

You dropped your shoulders, exhaling sharply. "Eugene, what-"

He was walking around you, head down again. You stayed still in shock as you heard him walk out the exit doors and hurry outside. Through the glass, you noticed he didn't have his dad's car and instead ran towards the back of the school, where the fence was.

Why did he want you to stay away from him?

In that split moment as the question ran through your mind, you followed him. There were a thousand reasons why he wouldn't want you around and none of them were good.

One, he could be cheating on you. Although he promised he loved you more than anyone in his life and never wanted anyone more, it was a possibility.

Two, and even worse than cheating, his dad could be hurting him. His father, who was never impressed by his son and found any reason to hate him.

Three, Flash could be mixed up in something so terrible that he wasn't allowed to talk about it.

Whatever was wrong with your boyfriend, you would figure it out.

You quietly opened the doors and walked out, not hearing Peter softly call out your name as he turned into the hall.

Peter Parker stood back for a moment, waiting. Then, as if he needed a reason to follow you, his spidey senses started to buzz. He ran to the set of lockers his web fluid was hidden under and grabbed a supply before stuffing it in his jacket and running after you.


When Flash turned into the third alley in ten minutes, your anxiety spiked to new levels. You were having to jog to keep up with him and he wasn't showing any sign of stopping.

The height of the buildings cast out almost all sunlight and the deeper you walked in the dirty, grimy alley, the darker it became. You heard a shuffle inside and you grew stiff and afraid, thinking of all the creeps that could be hiding in the dark.

"Eugene," you said, voice breaking.

You heard another noise. You gasped, stepping backward as you tried to see what was moving in the dim alleyway. Where was Flash? The only thing in front of you was a large brick wall.

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