"Dan," He hummed, his voice slightly raspy and melodic. He tried not to stare at his mouth as he spoke, instead pulling up his falling sleeve as the wide neckline of his oversized shirt slipped over his shoulder. He thought he felt Phil shiver as his fingers brushed against him, but he assumed he'd imagined it. "What are you doing out here?"

He smiled a bit, scooting as subtly as he could closer to the older man, until their shoulders were touching.

Phil tensed for a second before relaxing once again, leaning into Dan's warmth.

"I couldn't sleep. Insomnia. But, what are you doing out here Philly?" He gestured towards the beverage sitting between them. "And with alcohol?"

Phil shrugged, wrinkling his nose. "I couldn't sleep either, and I felt lonely. I don't like just laying in the dark. Sometimes I think weird things."

Dan chuckled, running a hand through his crescent shaped curls. "You already do that on a daily basis Phil."

Phil nudged his shoulder playfully, a soft smile stretching over his mouth.

"Yeah, but like...sometimes they're scary..."

"Oh, really? Does Prince Philip need Sir Daniel to protect him from the big bad monsters?"

Phil laughed, that beautiful laugh that made the stars cry and the sky hold its breath, his tongue peeking out of the side of his teeth. He shoved Dan playfully, his hands warm on his skin, chilled from the wind. He tried to hide the sparks bursting behind his eyes.

"Shut up! I'm not afraid of monsters."

Dan grinned cheekily. "Is that so?"

"Why are you attacking me?" He cried out, huffing as his lips formed a pout, his arms crossing over his chest. "If there was a monster, you'd probably just push me into it and run, you wuss."

Dan frowned, his brows furrowing in displeasure. "That's not true." He claimed, and Phil rolled his eyes, subconsciously leaning further into Dan's side as he did so.

"It is too," He sighed, his lashes fluttering over his cheeks as he tipped back his bottle for another gulp of fizzling champagne. "And anyway, I wasn't thinking about monsters. I was...thinking about something else."

A sadness clouded Phil's usually bright features, a hint of heartbreak cracking through the mask he seemed to wear so often.

Dan felt his heart lurch to his throat.

He was the more emotional out of the two and he always had been. Not in sensitivity, but rather in aura. Whenever he was upset, he did a rather poor job of hiding it. Especially from Phil. According to his best friend, he just had a certain expression, a certain body language, a certain tone that immediately let him know that something was off. And apparently their subscribers could sense it too. He was sassy and sarcastic, his anger or irritation or insecurity always shining through somehow, no matter how much he tried to shove it back down.

However Phil was the opposite. He hid his feelings well, behind feigned content, masking the strain in his voice and the hidden words behind his tongue with the same sunshine threaded in each comforting breath. He allowed others to walk all over him, undermine him, take advantage of him, and take credit for his ideas with an easy smile and a quiet, "don't worry about it." Most people believed that Phil saved Dan. That he was a perfectly happy person with a cheerful spirit and the ability to make everyone else around him feel loved. And that was true. Except Phil wasn't naturally happy. He just did a better job of hiding it when he was sad. He tried to help others, but said nothing when he was the one that needed help.

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