a promise on your skin

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Summary: Phil traces words on Dan's back, thinking Dan is sleeping


The laptop was sitting on Phil's lap, the heat burning into his legs over the fabric of his black jeans, the movie they were watching still playing on the screen. Artificial light painted bright shadows over his pale face, his sapphire eyes shining, hues of yellow and green shimmering at the edges. He was pressed back against his green and blue pillows, his body sprawled out in front of him, his cold toes pressed against Dan's warm, sun kissed ones. He and Dan were having a movie night in bed instead of in the lounge, and maybe that was a mistake seeing as Dan was now fast asleep against Phil's chest. Soft, slow breaths fell from his parted, cherry blossom lips, his dark, long lashes fluttering over his pink flushed cheeks. His gentle features were relaxed in his unconscious state, his light brown curls falling around his ears, tousled and hanging over his forehead in waves. His over sized black and white striped shirt made him look small and cuddly, his collarbones sticking out of his honey skin. Phil had always had a thing for Dan's collarbones, and he couldn't help but brush over them with the tips of his fingers. His long arm laid over Phil's stomach, his nimble fingers clutching his shirt, his long slender legs curling around Phil's waist. He was beautiful as always, so beautiful that Phil couldn't help but quietly awe. He paused the movie as it was almost over anyway, and placed the laptop on the dresser beside them, closing the top down.

Now the only sound in the air was Dan's soft breathing, and the occasional little mumbles and purrs he made in his sleep.

You're so cute, Phil thought fondly, a small smile resting on his lips as he ran his fingers through Dan's hair.

He pressed a gentle kiss to Dan's forehead before carefully untangling their limbs, watching as Dan curled into himself whimpering in displeasure.

"I'm just gonna change, I'll be right back bear." Phil whispered to the sleeping angel, running his thumb over Dan's cheekbone.

He grabbed his pajamas, his Star Wars bottoms and a random comfortable shirt, and changed quickly in the corner of the room, trying to be quiet so he didn't wake his boyfriend. The floor creaked under his feet, and Phil held his breath, looking over at Dan in fear, but he slept soundly, only rolling over a bit to face Phil's direction, laying on his stomach. Phil sighed in relief, pulling his shirt over his head of ebony black hair, and tip toed back to bed. He slid under the covers, and his gaze immediately fell back on Dan.

He wondered briefly how he managed to fall asleep before, without Dan's warm body pressed against his, their legs tangled together, and his hand in his soft curls. Without thinking, he ran his hand over Dan's back, tracing words into his skin.


The corners of Phil's lips turned up as Dan sighed in content. Phil kept going.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

He traced the words over and over again, his heart swelling, as though trying to press the promise into Dan's skin. He hummed under his breath as his fingers swirled, drawing the same letters over and over.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

Phil sighed as his fingers came to stop, his eyelashes brushing against his pale cheeks as he blinked a bit sleepily. He allowed his hand to linger on Dan's skin for a moment, before pulling away, pulling the covers up and nestling into the blankets. As soon as he was comfortable, Dan moved closer to him, his leg sprawled over Phil's and his head nuzzling into his chest. Phil inhaled his intoxicating scent, giggling softly as Dan's fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt.

Dan exhaled, his heated breath fanning out across Phil's snow white skin.

"I love you too..." he breathed sleepily, his eyes opening a bit to reveal his warm pools of melted chocolate brown, shifting between burgundy and hazel, and overflowing with affection. Phil blushed dark pink, his mouth falling open and Dan's lips turned up in a beautiful, sleepy smile at the sight. He hummed softly into Phil's shoulder before closing his eyes again and pressing himself impossibly closer.

Phil laughed quietly, the breathtaking sound falling gently against Dan's cheeks, and let his eyes fall shut.

They fell asleep slowly to the sound of gentle breathing and the feeling of unspoken promises pressed against their skin.

A/N: Was it good? Was it rushed? Was it bad? Please leave comments and tell me your thoughts and feelings. Thank you for reading and remember that you're all beautifully breathtaking and you deserve all the happiness in the endless universe.

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