touch buddies

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Summary: So this is just Dan and Phil touching each other all the time. It's a High School AU and it starts off with a real conversation my friend and I had. I'm Phil and she's Dan.


Philly😍: Hey I won't be at school tomorrow

Dannyboy🌈: 😭 Why not?

Philly😍: Cause I'm sick 😷

Dannyboy🌈: Oh no :( please take care of yourself love

Philly😍: I'll try. One thing I'm not good at is taking care of myself but my family is with me so they will make sure I don't die. I'm just sitting on the couch under four blankets watching a korean drama.

Dannyboy🌈: Awe I wish I was there so I could take care of you! And that's cool what's it called?

Philly😍: It's my favorite k drama, it's called Strong Girl Bong Soon.

Philly😍:The boy main character is so cute!

Philly😍: His name is Min Hyuk and Bong Soon calls him the lonely prince

Philly😍: Cause his family is full of jerks and they treat him like crap and he's lonely. He pushes people away when he feels sad 😞

Dannyboy🌈: Oh I've heard of that but I've never gotten around to watching it

Dannyboy🌈: I love k dramas so if you need recommendations I'm your guy. And I can relate to that.

Philly😍: Yeah I thought he was happy at first, he's such a drama queen. I just want to hug him.

Dannyboy🌈: You can hug me instead

Dannyboy🌈: I meaN

Philly😍: I LOVE HUGS!

Philly😍: But I'm too anxious and socially awkward to give them out myself

Dannyboy🌈: looks like I'll be tracking you down for hugs

Dannyboy🌈: I like hugs, hand holding, cuddles, y'know the basic soft human contact

Philly😍: Me too! I'm a really touchy person but I'm so nervous when it comes to initiating physical contact

Dannyboy🌈: I am h e r e literally touch me please

Dannyboy🌈: that sounds so weird but I'm really touch deprived feel free to hug me and hold my hand and stuff uwu

Philly😍: YAY!

Philly😍: I'm always scared people will think I'm weird if I hug them or hold their hand

Philly😍: I'm so happy you don't mind!

Dannyboy🌈: You're great, don't worry love


Philly😍: We can be touch buddies!

Dannyboy🌈: Touch buddies?

Philly😍: like cuddle buddies but with all kinds of physical contact

Dannyboy🌈: Okay, then we're touch buddies so you can't touch anyone else but me okay?

Philly😍: Okie dokie!

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