rosy cheeks

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Summary: 2009Phan! Phil enjoys making Dan flustered and seeing his rosy cheeks


Phil was sitting in the lounge, leaning forward on his knees with a game controller in his hands. His ocean eyes were fixed on the glowing screen, and he bit his lip with each gun that went off, each scream that tore from his character's throat whenever they were almost shot by a bullet. Phil liked video games, even gory ones, but ever the sweetheart, he didn't curse no matter how dire the theoretical situation, even crying out in panic whenever one of his favored characters died.

"Darn it Marissa," Phil muttered under his breath, a frown on his lips as his favorite female character fell to the ground, clutching a bleeding arm. "I told you to be careful. You better not die."

His character ran towards the girl quickly, wrapping a bandage around her injury, and Phil's foot tapped impatiently as he waited for them both to stand back up. If they stayed there any longer, they'd both end up getting shot, and Phil took their lives very seriously.

Phil hissed, breathing out through his nose as he and Marissa ran through the abandoned, blood splattered hallways. There were footsteps behind them, so he knew they were being followed. They had to hurry.

"Come on guys, faster." He urged.

His eyebrows furrowed as his character tripped over something on the ground, slowing them down slightly.

"Oh no."

Phil's frown deepened as the footsteps got closer. There was no way they would outrun him at this point. Instead Phil opted to hide in the best place. His character and Marissa ran into the nearest bathroom. It was dirty and dingy, like everything else, stained crimson with blood. Phil had them run into the stalls, locking the door behind them. His heart beat quickly as their stalker pushed open the door, his feet tapping against the tiles as he grew closer and closer. He held his breath.

"Please go away, please go away, please- AH!"

Phil exclaimed, eyes widening as the stall door was pulled off its hinges and a mysterious, gruesome figure murdered Marissa, almost silencing her scream, before stabbing Phil's character in the stomach.

You died.

"Ugh, gosh darn it!" Phil sighed, leaning back into the couch cushions with his arm splayed over his eyes.

"P-Phil?" A familiar, timid voice stuttered, and Phil quickly turned to see his boyfriend Dan standing in front of him, scratching the back of his head nervously and shuffling from side to side.

His chocolate eyes were focused on the floor, his long lashes fluttering over his flushed cheeks. His long, straightened brown hair hung over his forehead and around his ears in a cute fringe, and he bit his bottom lip so hard, Phil was afraid he would draw blood.

"Hey Dan!" Phil greeted happily, beaming at the nervous boy, his tongue peeking out of his teeth adorably. Dan's blush darkened. "What's up?"

He patted the space next to him expectantly, and Dan hesitantly approached him, sinking down into the sofa. Phil scooted over, eliminating the space between them, and Dan gasped lightly as their thighs pressed together, warmth, and Phil's intoxicating scent surrounding him. Goosebumps jumped across his honey skin, and he suddenly felt hot. He gulped, shaking his head to snap himself out of it.

It's just Phil, he told himself, but because it was Phil, he couldn't make his heart stop pounding against his chest.

He cleared his throat.

"" Dan stumbled over his words, his voice getting stuck as Phil leaned in closer to him. He took a deep breath.

"I-I-I...I j-just wan...wanted...t-to..."

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