ear phones

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Summary: Dan is getting frustrated trying to untangle his head phones


"UGH!" Dan groaned, throwing his head back in frustration.

Phil looked up from his laptop, his bright blue eyes falling on his irritated boyfriend who was sitting across from him in their lounge. He took note of Dan's slightly flushed cheeks and his furrowed eyebrows and frowned slightly in concern.

"What's wrong?" He asked gently, already placing his computer to the side in preparation to come to Dan's rescue.

Dan pushed his brown curls out of his face, scowling rather fiercely. Phil's frown deepened.

"It's this!" The man cried, holding up a mess of earphones all tangled together into one giant knot.

Dan yanked on it angrily, trying to pull them apart but achieving nothing.

"I just want to listen to some music but these damn earphones won't come apart, god dammit!"

Phil stared at him silently for about twenty seconds, watching as Dan continued to screw around with his earphones, growing angrier and angrier by the second.

And then Phil's lips were turning up into his famous sunshine smile, his eyes lighting up with amusement. Soft giggles began to bubble out of his mouth and Dan's head shot up at the sound.

"Why are you laughing!" He whined, glaring at the black haired man as though he'd been betrayed.

Phil just shook his head, still laughing at his ridiculously silly boyfriend. He stood from the couch, stretching his long legs before walking over and sinking into the empty spot beside Dan on the couch. Without saying a word, Phil softly took the earphones from Dan's hands and began to unknot them. He slowly unraveled them and once he'd separated them from each other, he smiled up to his eyes and handed them back to Dan who was simply staring at him in surprise.

"You're welcome."  Phil said winking, ruffling Dan's curls before walking back to his seat and continuing to browse the Internet.

A/N: Well this sucked but thanks for reading. Leave a comment! And remember to eat and stay hydrated! I love you all, you are so so so beautiful! Take care of yourselves, treat yourselves, and be kind to yourselves. I'm giving you all virtual hugs.

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