3. Prison & Plans

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  "So that's the plan then? Release her from prison early then promote her? What else?" Martyn asks. Jack thinks for a little longer then turns to Martyn with a grin on his face.

  "Leave that..." Jack points his finger at his chest. "To me."

  "OK. Are you going to promote her straight away?" Martyn asks. He likes to do his job right; Jack has quick impatience and if Martyn does something wrong, then his friend would probably crack.

  "Not straight away... But what if she influences the mind of the people in Turninsula before then? It should be done soon! Send her to me tomorrow morning. That would be a good time," Jack suggests.

  "Excellent. I'm on it, Jack!" Martyn smiles and gives a quick wink before leaving Jack's giant cabin. After Martyn leaves, Jack slouches in his chair and smiles at his genius plan.


  Ella sits down in the dark prison cell, letting her thoughts drift her into a completely different world. Nothing can be heard in the cave apart from gentle drips plopping into a puddle they had created.

  But she struggles to stay in her thoughts when she begins to hear a man's coughing and spluttering from a few cells away. Ella cringes at the sound, she prays the coughing will stop.

  "Um... sir? Are you alright?" why did she ask that question? Of course he isn't alright. Ella gets no response; just silence.

  The choking finally ends, but it's not the last she hears from him. She hears more painful coughing echoing through the chambers five minutes later.

  Ella is now quite desperate to leave the cell in escape from hearing her fellow prisoner's torture. She sighs when she remembers that she doesn't have another hour and a half until she will be released and exposed to the warm sunlight.

  Suddenly, Ella hears footsteps enter the cave. She presumes it's Martyn with another prisoner. Then she realises she only hears the footsteps of one person, so maybe it was Martyn who was visiting just to insult her.

  Ella is right; it is Martyn. He doesn't say a word as he approaches her cell with the keys and unlocks the barred door. He holds it wide open for Ella.

  "Am I being released?" Ella asks.

  "By orders of the King, yes," Martyn answers. Slowly, Ella treads through the open door and is lead outside the cave.

  Martyn gently guides her to the area where all the dark green cabins were situated. "You should get on with work now. The other two girls are washing clothes in the tub near cabin 6. You can go and help them," Martyn suggests.

  "Um... Martyn?" Ella asks.


  "Why did Jack release me early?"

  Martyn is quiet at first, then he shrugs. "I guess he was just in a good mood," he suggests.

  Ella doesn't think much about it and continues walking on a head to the cabin area.

  "Oh yeah," Martyn suddenly announces. "I forgot, the King wants to talk to you tomorrow after breakfast."

  Ella turns at Martyn. "Why?"

  Martyn thinks about the kind of response Jack would give if he was asked this question. It would probably be something along the lines of 'Don't question it, just make sure you're there on time!' However, Martyn is not like that. He is gentle and hates to use his power as an excuse to be impatient with everyone.

  "I can't tell you. Orders," Martyn response in a sorry way.

  "Please break the rules this once," Ella begs.

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