Part 34

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He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquity,
The chastisement of our peace was upon him,
..And by HIS stripes, we are healed.
                                    Isaiah 53:5

    The vigil had turned into an intercession prayer. Three hours had gone by and still nothing had happened.

Zebu had been gently lifted and moved over to the bed. He lay as still as a corpse, his breathing, very shallow.

Still the prayer band didn't relent.


Zebu is engulfed in darkness.

It is all around. It is within him.  But he senses something else,

That someone seemed to also be within, just like the darkness.

Who are you ... . Why is it so dark dark! , his voice echoes

Laughter rings like a doorbell all around him, swirling higher and higher then suddenly dying down.

Where is this .. why won't you talk to me.


Then a giggly sing song voice replies.

I am you, you are me, we have merged as one
Down down we will go, for we are one
I love you and you, me, and together we will be as one

Fear grips at the lad's heart . Somehow he knows he is trapped once again, just like before.


But no. This is different. He feels like a caged animal, bound hands, chest, feet and all.

Thick darkness chokes him.

I don't love you, replies the boy in his sub conscious, to whatever was talking to him, and I don't want to be here, ..let me go!

Then hate all you want , the voice thickens and snarls , ..because you are going nowhere!

I want out of here, the lad gulps as if drowning within his soul

someone..anyone, ..please help me, he whispers


No one can hear you_no one can help you. Can't you remember, ..just yesterday, they kept trying to persuade you to accept the Nazarene

But thankfully you didn't, ..did you , my bad boy, sneered the horrible voice, and since HE is not your master , I have decided to be just that to you , the voice cooed mischievously.

Zebu's mind is running around now like a roller coaster. O LORD, what have I done..Jesus help me ..please .

Don't you dare call that name here zebu, hissed a new voice

Suddenly he can hear voices from a far off place . Barely audible_ yet there.

The voices begin to grow stronger. Their words begin to cut through the darkness.

   As a bright blinding light shatters the darkness around him. A force lifts his spirit out of his trapped body transporting him through space and time to another dimension all together.

When light comesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum