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MITCHS POVIt was about 12:30 ish when a guy, probably around the same age as me, walked in

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It was about 12:30 ish when a guy, probably around the same age as me, walked in. He exclaimed that everyone was needed out on the field in less than ten minutes. Everyone in my cot stopped what they were doing and quickly got dressed for whatever is was we were going to due. I followed suit and changed out of the flannel shirt and jacket, that I picked out earlier, into a plain black t-shirt.

Walking with everyone, we followed the guy who told us we were needed. It seemed like we were going to get kidnapped with how far we was taking us into the woods.

But, once we walked far enough, the group formed a circle around Stan Hurley and the girl that I had met beforehand.

Samantha stood in her pose that I had seen her in earlier,arms crossed with no expression on her face. Hurley began to pace back and forth while talking to us.

"So,each of you will be paired with one another other,since there is an odd number, one of you'll will be with Sam. Which one you want Samantha?"

She scanned through the group,looking at us up and down. I questioned who she was, if she had any relationship to Stan or if she was just a recruit and got stuck doing a job.

Her eyes landed on me and her blue crystals looked me up and down.

"I'll take Rapp"the brunette said,slightly catching me off guard. "Okay,so as we go through each one of you, I'll pair everyone else up. Sam, Rapp, in the middle."

Samantha stepped into the middle and I followed her suit. Stan whipped out a pocket knife from the pocket of his jeans and handed it to me. "Kill her"

I took the knife and strutted towards the girl,without hesitation I went to lunge the knife at her,but she was quick, and she took a hold of my arm, elbowing me in my shoulder,causing me to grunt in slight pain. She took the opportunity to flip me over her back and pinned me to the ground, as she kneeled over me and pressed the knife, that I still held on to, at my the center of my neck.

"People think you can slice a mans throat like this," She demonstrated to the group "that's only in the movies," She looked back down at me and pushed the knife, that was now in a specific spot, into my neck.

"Right there,do it.No noise,no mess." She got up off of me and I did the same. I patted off the dirt from my hands as Hurley took back the knife and through next to the guy who had led us out here.

"Victor,your up."

After training with the recruits, I met up with Ryan and we walked to the shooting range.

"So how did your training go?"He asked. "It was fine, I was paired with the newbie." He nodded "How was yours?" "They're actually good this season so it's going alright so far." We loaded our guns and I grabbed two beers from an ice chest that we keep out here. We always made sure to hide it from the recruits though, can't have them drunk on the job.

We started shooting at the sand bags that where roughly set at about 200 to 500 feet away from us. Ryan shot the ones that were closer to us and I shot the ones farther away, that way we wouldn't get mixed up with our firing.

We took a beer break and just talked about the other training sessions and what we planned on teaching our recruits next.

Suddenly we heard crunching coming from near by,as if someone was walking towards us. I looked to where the sound was coming from and saw my newest recruit, Mitch Rapp.

"Hey...?" Ryan spoke. "Oh hey,I heard gun shots and was wondering what was going on."

"Oh yeah,we were just practicing shooting around." I said while taking a swing of my beer.

"Can I join?" Mitch asked, I was startled by the blunt question, I almost choked on my drink. Never has a recruit joined in on shooting practice when it was just me and Ryan. In all honesty, I didn't even want him to join. This is really the only time my brother and I get to bond, due to our different schedules, so I made up some excuse."Uh, we haven't started our target practice session yet, you have to start those before you can take a shot at anything out here."

"Come on Samantha I know how to handle a gun."

I looked at Ryan with a raised brow,he just shrugged and turned over his gun to me. "Here, practice with mine,I have to go talk to my recruits anyways" Taking the gun from my brothers hand, I sighed and looked at Rapp. Ryan walked away with his beer and headed back to where his recruit's dorms were.

"Here"I handed him my gun so he wouldn't screw up Ryans. The boy took the pistol and turned towards the targets.

" We'll start off at 200 feet, see what you got first, and then progress to 500." "Okay" "Stand here and aim towards target 67." I pointed out to the closest sand bag, which was propped up on a stick.

I did as told and clocked the gun. Sam stood beside, and before I could even take a shot, she grabbed the bottom of my forearm to raise it up higher. Then grabbed my shoulder and pushed my hip to adjust my position.

I let out a quiet sigh of frustration when she moved me. Who does she think she is? She could have told me to move, not push me around.

Keeping a tight grip on the gun, I shot at the target and surprisingly all bullets hit the straight through the center of the straw bag. Guess that's why she adjusted my angle and posture.

Samantha kept giving me pointers and she would put me in various spots for each target. I hit everyone one in a different place, I knew that if these wear real like targets, these shots would severely injure them. I'll have to keep these in mind.

"Well, you did decent Rapp, tomorrow I'll go over some stuff with the group, but I think we should continue with practicing your shooting range," I nodded in agreement "Okay, so i'll see you here at the same time, I'll have a gun set up for you so just bring yourself." she exclaimed to me.

"Alright,I guess I'll see you tomorrow." "Yup." With that she walked past me, walking to the house that she came out from, earlier. After watching her for a brief moment I headed back to my dorm.

With that Sam walked back to the house that I saw earlier and I walked back to my dorm.

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