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SAMANTHAS POV Saturday mornings, my favorite mornings to sleep in, but apparently my sweet old man does not understand that because he felt the need to rudely awaken me

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Saturday mornings, my favorite mornings to sleep in, but apparently my sweet old man does not understand that because he felt the need to rudely awaken me. "Samantha, get your ass up, need to be somewhere."

Groaning at the sunlight hitting my eyes as my father pulled the curtains aside, I sat up. "Dad, it's 9:00 am, why do I need to get up?" I questioned once my mind gathered what was happening.

"Irene called, something important, and she wants you there." he answered while walking out of my room.

Why would Irene want me at a meeting?

My boss, Irene kennedy, was never one to talk over the phone. If she needed to say something, she wants to do it in person.

I'm surprised she even wants me there, its not like I go to the agency headquarters every time she asks for my father.

My father, Stan Hurley, is an elite Assassin Trainer for the CIA. He was the top in all of his classes back in the day. So, when Irene called him, you know it's something important. Although I was excited to be joining my father on the 'surprise information' I didn't fully trust Irene, I can never stand her surprises.

After fixing myself up, I walked outside and met my dad in the car. Pulling out of the drive way of our house and training quarters, my father started our hour long journey to the CIA Agency Headquarters.

Once at the facility we walked to Kennedy's office.
"Irene, you wanted to see us?" My father questioned the lady as we walked into the room.

My father never likes for me to speak in these situations, he would very much rather have my brother, Ryan, be here. So I stood on the sidelines as my dad confronted her.

"I have good news for you Hurleys, you're gaining another recruit." "New recruit?" Stan questioned to the woman. "Yes, his name is Mitch Rapp and he's not like these other recruits, I promise."

I sighed to myself. A new recruit, great."You say that all the time Irene" "Stan. Trust me on this one" she spoke with confidence as she slid a folder filled with the information of this recruit.

My father and Irene held the conversation for hours it seemed like,while they argued over the new guy and scanned over the file. This was the boring part about not being "legible" enough to be apart of a meeting. I guess you could say my dad doesn't think i'm mature enough to be here.

"Samantha," I looked up at Irene who gained my attention. "You'll be training him." "Me? Why me?" I furrowed my eyebrows, pointing to myself. "You always have the least amount of recruits, plus I think this would be a good opportunity to prove yourself as a leader." "Irene, with all due respect, I have the maximum amount of recruits that my father can give me, I can't possibly take another one."

Irene walked up to my meet my face and gave me a sincere smile. "Of course you can Sam, i've seen how well you train your recruits in the past. One more won't hurt you, besides, your father doesn't know what he's doing half of the time."

Internally rolling my eyes, I agreed to take this new recruit, and let me tell you, my father was not happy about that.

The long conversation ended and my father and I went back to our car. "Really Sam? Why would you agree to take this new guy?"

Ah yes of course, another daily father lecture. "Because dad why not? You know, why do I even need your approval? Ive trained tons of people, what's the big deal in training one more?"

"Samantha you've never trained someone who has no knowledge of what they're doing." "And? I'm a grown woman, dad, I don't need you hovering over me and choosing my actions for me."

My remark hushed him and he stayed quiet for the rest of the drive back home.

Seriously I don't see the problem in adding one more recruit on to my list. Sure, i've never had over seven recruits in the past six years that i've been raining, but what does that have to do with my training skills? I swear, he still sees me as his little girl and i'll never understand why.

I didn't let my mind wonder about my father anymore after our argument, instead I started thinking about this Mitch Rapp, why would Irene want me to train him? Our group already had enough recruits for the season, so this guy better be worth it like Kennedy said he is.

We arrived and I didn't feel like going up to my room so I decided to meet up with my friend, Victor Adams.

I walked to his dorm and knocked on door. One of the other recruits opened the door and greeted me. "Hey Nick, i'm here for Victor."

Nick nodded and called out for Victor. "Hey Sam, what's up." Victor walked to the door, shaking water out from his hair with a towel. I guess he just finished showering. "Hey Vic, i'm in a desperate need of a distraction. Wanna practice your aiming skills?"

"Sure, let me grab my gun. I'll meet you out at the target range." I nodded and walked to our target range. It's basically just a few sand bags set out in the middle of the woods that us, trainers, and our recruits practice at.

I sat down on a box that we set out here at the target range and took out my pistol from the belt of my pants. Clocking the gun, Victor came walking up to me. Doing the same with his gun, we started randomly shooting at different sand bags.

I meet Adams about a year ago and was assigned to train him. If Irene doesn't have any special requirements about who trains who, my dad will  split the recruits into thirds giving Ryan, my brother, and I each one third. As I trained him over the months, we clicked and became good friends.

"So what did Kennedy say?" "She assigned my dad and I a new recruit" I replied as I reloaded my gun. "Really? Who's it gonna be?" I shrugged "Some guy named Mitch Rapp" " 'Mitch Rapp'? What kind of name is that? Sounds like a buster's name" he said bluntly. "Yeah, he probably is one."

We shot at the targets for whole and did some routines since we haven't practiced in a while. I always enjoyed shooting around with Victor since he would motivate me. Plus sometimes we would shoot close enough to each other to scare us,but not in a psycho why...well maybe.

I decided to call it a night and walked back to my house. Creeping in slowly, trying to avoid my father, I made my way down to the end of the hall. Shutting the door to my room after walking in, I immediately changed into my sleep wear.

I wasn't prepared to meet the new recruit. I had read his file and it didn't seem interesting, like some of my other recruits. This means my dad probably didn't find it interesting either. I still don't fully understand why Irene would assign me this guy. My father and brother have much more experience than I do, she surely should have gave this guy to one of them.

As I lied down in my bed, thinking about my new recruit, I felt tiredness sweeping over me. My eyes began to grow heavy and soon I was turning and tossing in the covers. I needed to get my rest anyways. Tomorrow will for sure be a long day.

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