CHAPTER 16 - ( Haven't We?)

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"Thanks eonni. I needed that" The moment that she hugged me back was very overwhelming feeling and how tight it was brought me to heaven. 

That got me determined to make my move very, very soon. 

"Always Wonyoung-ah. I'll aways be here to comfort you. I'll never hurt you like she did." 


After that moment I had with Wonyoung, I kept on thinking ways on how I can be able to think of a good and romantic way of confessing to her what I feel. 

Wonyoung doesn't deserve the pain that she was feeling. She deserve to love and be loved, and I will be the one to do that. 

I will be the one to give her the love that she truly deserve. Yujin is not worth it for her! 

"Why are you suddenly asking Sakura-eonni about confessing Nako-anechan?" Hitomi asked. I rose my head up and looked at them. 

Should I tell them that I like Wonyoung?

No, I love Wonyoung and I want to confess to her? 

They could give me a better advice if I told them who am I confessing to right? 

"Can I tell you something?" 

"What is it Nako?" 

"Don't you guys judge me okay?" 

"Oookay... are you planning on confessing to someone?" 

"Nako-chan!? You're confessing?? Wow to whom?" Sakura eonni asked. I can see that she's somehow excited and it boost up my confidence a bit but, it's different for Hitomi. 

"To Wonyoung" 



I knew I would get this response from them. It wouldn't be realistic if they don't.

"Who?" Sakura eonni softly asked.

"Wonyoung. I plan on confessing to Wonyoung, Sakura eonni." I carefully told her. 

"Are you serious Nako-anechan?" 

"Did I sound like I'm joking Hi-chan?" 

"Since when did you started liking Wonyoung?" Sakura eonni asked. 

"Since the time that we spent at the Han River. She toured me around the city since I was new and she brought to a lot of places, the Namsan tower and finally to the Han River." 

That was the most magical thing that happened to me in my entire life. That day, I felt like an angel came down from heaven intended for me to love. 

I swore then from that day that I will do anything to make her mine and to not let Wonyoung be hurt and cry. 



"No. No, you can't do that Nako. She already has Yujin. They just need to tell each other how they feel." That really made my blood boil. Why is she rooting Wonyoung to be with that jerk!?

"How can you say that she has Yujin? She doesn't have anyone. Yet. and are you betting Wonyoung to be with that junk?" 


"What!? It's TRUE Hi-chan! She's a piece of JUNK! A JERK! All she did was hurt MY precious Wonyoung!" 

"YOUR Wonyoung? Where are your senses now Nako? and No, I'm not betting Wonyoung to be with Yujin. Do I look like I would do that? What I'm trying to say is that, I'm waiting for them to confess to each other. Everybody can see that they feel the same way except for themselves." Sakura eonni then eyed me with that soft gaze that she always had and touched my left cheek. "Nako, don't do it, You'll just hurt yourself." She added. 

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