Chapter 28

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We were able to sleep for about an hour before we heard a baby crying. I look over and see it's our baby girl and tell Regina I'll go get her. I carefully pick her up. "Hey there little one, are you hungry?" I say as I walk her over and hand her to Regina who starts to feed her. It really is something beautiful to see. My wife holding our daughter. I smile just loving this moment. "Oh, I sent Ruby and Belle a text to tell them babies are here". I say with a little laugh. "And why is that funny Emma?"  "Because Ruby is mad I wouldn't tell her what we had or what the names are. I told her she will find out when she meets them this afternoon. They said they'd be here around 2 o'clock". Regina just smiles and shakes her head. The baby stops eating so Regina lifts her and starts rubbing and patting her back for a burp, and for a baby that's only about 6 hours old she lets a good one rip. Regina and I let out a laugh and she says "She get that from you Emma". I smile proudly at my baby girl. I then hear our little boy starting to wake up. So I grab him and hand him over so he can eat and take our daughter from Regina. I take her over to the crib and change her diaper. Just then we hear a knock at the door and see Belle and Ruby coming in with flowers and balloons and a gift bag. I pick up the baby as they walk over and hug us and tell us congratulations. "So here we are can you tell us now ?" Ruby asks excitedly. I look at Regina and she nods. "Well ladies we would like you to meet Henry and Sophia Swan-Mills". They both let out ahhhhs. Belle is closer to me so I ask "Belle would you like to hold Sophia ?"  "Yes, I would love to". I slowly hand her over and sit on the bed while Regina continues to feed Henry. We are all talking when Kathryn and her husband Fred come in, also with flowers and gifts. It's actually a busy day as we receive calls and visitors all with well wishes. When everyone leaves we are all exhausted. The twins have been fed and changed again and are now back in their cribs sleeping. Thanks to granny, Regina and I have had a nice dinner and are ready for a nap. So that's what we do. The next morning Kat comes in to check on things and says we can take the babies home tomorrow as long as everything keeps looking good. The babies are both over 5 pounds and are healthy, and Regina seems to be starting to heal well. So the next afternoon Regina and I walk into our home with our son Henry and our daughter Sophia. We head up to the nursery and start to take off the blankets and winter coat we put on them to keep warm, then put them down in the crib together. Regina and I just stand and look at them. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek. "We did it baby. We started our family". She turns around and kisses my lips "Yes we did my love".

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