Chapter 17

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It's been about 3 weeks since we found out we were having twins and so far things have been pretty good. Regina still had the occasional bout with morning sickness but thank goodness nothing to bad. It never lasted all day like we read about, just maybe 2 or 3 times in the morning or afternoon. She hasn't had to many strange cravings yet, but she has been eating more sweets and more greasy foods. She gives me a scary look every time she craves a burger or her favorite sweet potato fries. One night she even got mad at me because she had an extra large order of the fries with a grilled chicken sandwich with cheese and bacon on it. "Emma, how could you do this to me ?  Your children only want bad food, and grease and tons of chocolate. Emma, how could you do this to me ? I'm going to be a whale before I'm even halfway though this pregnancy." Shes starting to cry a little so I walk over and sit next to her, kiss her on the forehead and say "Oh baby, everything is going to be ok. You are not going to be a whale." "You don't know that Emma, the other day I tried to have a salad for lunch and after a few bites I was so sick, it was like they were rejecting it. It's like the are already mini yous and they aren't even born yet." I kiss her lips lovingly and say "I'm so so sorry my love. Let me see if I can help you." I get up from the couch get down on my knees in between Reginas legs, lift he shirt to expose her little baby bump that just started to show. I kiss her belly "Emma what are you doing?" I look at her and put up my index finger to indicate to be patient. She nods and I continue. "Hey you two in there, what's the meaning of you two not liking what your mommy feeds you ? Your mommy is doing her beast to make sure you both are healthy. So if she gives you a salad once in a while, you will like it. Do you hear me?  And if you are good maybe mommy will add an order of sweet potato fries with the salad." I kiss her belly again, place her shirt back and get up off the floor to sit next to her. "Oh Emma that was just the cutest thing I've ever seen ."  She leans in and kisses my lips as her eyes fill with little happy tears. "Hey, these are my babies to Gina. They need to know I won't always be the fun one." I say chuckling a bit. She leans in and puts her head on my shoulder and we hold each other, just being in the moment. Holding each other on the couch we watch a little tv. Reginas been yawning a bit. It's only 9:30pm, but I shut off the tv and kiss the top of Reginas head and say "Hey baby, why don't we turn in early tonight?"  I hear her softly hum and say "Em it's only 9:30, it's to early for you my love."  "It's ok sweetheart, I'll make do as long as I have you in my arms."  She kisses me and nods. I check on everything then head up stairs together. We do our night time rituals and climb into bed. Holding each other we actually both drift off to sleep.

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