Chapter 10

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A/N a little time jump. Plus a little look into Emmas past. Sorry if it's a little dark. More fluffy in the next chapter
It's been 4 weeks since we found out our lives are going to change forever. 4 weeks since Regina said "I'm pregnant Emma, we are going to have a baby". In those weeks it's been better than I expected. The day after we found out Regina was pregnant I pretty much raided amazon for pregnancy books, from what to expect from the fathers point of view to what to expect when expecting. I ordered like 7 different books that day then another 5 two days later. When they stated arriving, Regina was just amazed and basically laughed at me.  I gave a pouty face so walked up to me, grabbed me, placed a hard kiss to my mouth and said "I'm sorry for laughing baby, I'm so, so proud to see how much you are putting into all this". I smiled and kissed her again and said "I meant it when I said I'm all in Gina".  Since then I've been reading and studying, taking notes. Trying to stay ahead of the game. I was so prepared for morning sickness. I had ginger ale, and crackers. Anything the books say she may be able to have. Luckily she only had the occasional bout of morning sickness. When she did have it, she tried to hide it from me. I think she was afraid to admit she wanted some help and didn't want to be alone, but  I was never leaving her side. I did find out she hated my deodorant, which is strange because we share the same Arrid Extra Dry ultra fresh. It was ok when she used it, but couldn't stand me wearing it. So I changed. Happy wife happy life, right ?  I those 4 weeks, we became closer than I thought was possible. I thought we already knew so much about each other, but it's just the little things that can draw you in more. I knew how controlling and somewhat abusive her mother was, but I found out it lasted long beyond childhood till her mother died right after she graduated college. I can relate a little. I grew up in the foster system, I was bounced around to different families. Some nice, some not nice and some, well let's just say I made it out alive. One night she asked me about the worst place I had been in. I really never wanted to tell her, like ever. It's over and gone. But I guess it still lives somewhere in the back of my mind. I was always afraid to tell her, because I didn't want it to live in her mind to, but she has a way with words and somehow I started telling her about the worst night of my life as a child. It was in the summer, I had just turned 13 not to long ago. Because of my hormones I was developing differently than other kids. My penis grew, but so did my breasts. I ended up in this house with 3 other kids, all younger than me. The mom stayed home, cooked and cleaned and took care of the kids. She was nice for the most part. Then there was the "dad". He worked all day and came home, and from what I learned in the short time I was there is that he wanted his dinner, hot on the table when he came home. If it wasn't, let's just say you didn't want to be on the receiving end of his fist because dinner was late or cold. One night, after I was there for about 3 weeks he came home late and drunk. Luckily he didn't care about dinner. I always hated when he hit and yelled at Rose. She was actually nice and didn't deserve it in my opinion. It was about 8:30 so she said to Carl that she was going to get all the kids into bed and turn in herself. She kissed his forehead and proceeded to get us all into bed. Then got her self to bed. Rose knew about my "special friend" so to speak, but I guess Carl did not. Later that night I was sleeping, I heard the door open. Growing up in foster homes you never have a good sleep. You are always waiting for an attack, and that night was my attack. Carl was still drunk when he came into my room, he stumbled over to my bed and just flopped down on it. That scared the crap out for me. He noticed and slurred out "Don't worry baby girl, daddy is here and he's gonna make it all feel better". I couldn't move. I have a feeling of what was coming next, but prayed it wouldn't. He started to grope all over me and when he got to my "special friend" he stopped dead in his tracks for a moment. Then he freaked out and screamed "what the fuck is this ?, why is there a fucking freak in my home?"  He back handed me and I fell out of bed. He screamed for Rose then he stumbled over to where I was cowering over in the corner. He grabbed me by my pajama shirt lifted me up and punched me right in the face. That's all I can remember from that night. When I woke up I was in the hospital and it was two days later. I had a broken cheekbone, a sprained wrist from apparently falling onto it. Plus other cuts and bruises. My case worker told me what I needed to know, then said when I get out of the hospital I'd go into a new foster home "oh goodie" I thought to myself. But actually the next home wasn't to bad. I stayed there till the foster mom died. I was 17 and didn't want to go into yet another foster home so I just payed my respects at her funeral and took off. After I turned 18 they wouldn't care anyway. I worked odd jobs here and there. While working I was able to save some money to go to school and learn law enforcement. That's how I ended up here in Storybrooke. Regina knows the last part of that story, but she had almost unstoppable tears from the other part. That's why I didn't want to tell her. I hate when she's sad. My beautiful wife should always be happy. We clearly both have been through a lot, but it's made us stronger, not only as a couple but as individuals and every day that we are together, we use that strength as a guide to have a happy and healthy life.

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