Chapter 26

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"Emma, Emma baby wake up. I think it's time". Regina is shaking me to try and wake me up. "Mmm. Time for what baby?"  I say half asleep. "It's time for the babies to arrive Emma. My water just broke. Get up". "Ok babe". I say but still don't move. Then all of a sudden her words sink in and my eyes pop open as I jump and out of bed. I almost fall because I'm dizzy from jumping up so fast. I take a moment to gather myself. Regina looks at me and chuckles a bit. "You ok love?" I nod say "yes. Ok so what do you need before we go sweetheart?"  "I called Kathryn and told her, she's calling the hospital to get a room ready for us. She said to time my contractions and when they get closer and stronger call her again and we can head to the hospital". I nod in understanding. I walk over to the closet and get our bag out that we already packed. "Do you need anything else to go in here babe?" I ask pointing to the bag. "No I don't think so". I put the bag next to the bedroom door. "Can you help me get cleaned up and changed please".  "Yes of course". I help her up and we walk into the bathroom. I help her get undressed then she grabs hold of the sink and winces. "Contraction?"  She nods as she starts her breathing exercise. I stand next to her and rub her back and breathe with her. About a minute later the pain subsides. I start the timer on my watch. "You ok my love?"  "Yes dear, that one wasn't to bad". "How long have you been having them?"  "They started about an hour ago". "Gina, why didn't you wake me up babe?"  "I'm ok dear. I knew nothing was going to happen right then. I woke you when my water broke". I nod and kiss her cheek. We both take a shower and get cleaned up. After drying off I help her into the clothes she'll be wearing to the hospital. I get myself dressed, and sit next to her on the lounge chair we have in the bedroom. "Sooooo, now what?" "Now my love, we wait". So for the next few hours we sit together and I help her through the contractions. We both ate a grilled cheese sandwich. Kat said it was ok to eat and drink plenty of water. Around 2 in the morning the contractions are getting stronger and longer. I call Kathryn when they are about 5 minutes apart, and she says it's show time. I help Regina up and walk to the bedroom door where I grab our hospital bag and we walk slowly down the stairs. It's cold out this morning since it is March so I already started my car using the automatic stater.  I help her put on her coat and button it up when she starts having a contraction. She bends forward in my arms. "It's ok baby I got you, just try and breathe honey". "Ohh Emma this hurts so bad". She says as she starts to cry. We breathe through the contraction and she stands up straighter. "You think you can make it to the car babe?"  She nods and we leave the house and make our way to the hospital.

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