Chapter 2

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Regina has an appointment for 11:00 am this morning. We decided that I'd pick her up before the appointment, I'm the sheriff in town and Regina is the mayor. We live in a very small Maine town called Storybrooke. Not much happens here and we both have people that work under us to handle things for a little while. So we both go to work and then meet up around 10:40 am outside city hall. The doctors office is only a five minute drive but we kinda wanna get there early. Walking into the office Regina gives the nurse her name, and the nurse says that the doctor will be right with her so we take a seat. We both flip though a magazine while waiting until we are called in. In so scared. Regina grabs my hand while we walk to the examining room. Regina is asked to change into a gown for an examination and given a small cup for a urine sample. The nurse leaves to give us some privacy. A few minutes after Regina had gone to the adjacent bathroom to fill the cup and change there was a knock at the door. Dr. Kathyrn Midas walked in. She also happens to be Reginas best friend. I think it's a little weird to have her best friend as her OBGYN but what ever, as long as my wife is happy I'm good. Kat was so excited to see us. After a little small talk and a brief examination a nurse came in to draw some blood. It's always a good idea to test both blood and urine. Just a double check. Kat then she said she will call as soon as all the test results were back. Regina redressed and we both left. It was about 1:30 pm now so we decided to grab some lunch and take the rest of the day off. We went home watched a few movies, had dinner then went to bed early. The excitement of all this was making us tired. Of course we snuggled together as always and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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