Chapter 19

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I walk into our living room and see Belle and Ruby sitting on the couch. "Hi guys, sorry I'm late, here is some of Regina's homemade apple pie."  Belle smiles and of course Ruby being the wise ass she is says "Well look who decided to join us Belle, it's Emma, and she's only 2 hours late this time."  She lets out a big laugh, while Belle just smiles and shakes her head. "Ya ya ya. I already heard it from Gina so no need for you to jump in to."  Ruby laughs and asks "Is that where you got the black eye from? Regina showin ya who's boss?"  "No smart ass, the rabbit hole had a big brawl tonight. It was such a shit show."  "Yes and if I find out who roughed up my wife, there will be hell to pay." Regina says while walking into the room with a hot plate of lasagna for me. She places it down on the coffee table along with a napkin, fork and a knife. "Would you like a beer to drink with this my love?" "Actually I'd love a bottle of water if you wouldn't mind babe." She kisses my cheek and says "Not at all dear, I'll be right back. Ruby, Belle would you both like another glass of wine ?"  They both nod. "Ok, I'll bring the rest of the bottle then. Excuse me." I start eating my dinner while having some small talk. Regina comes back with the wine and my water, when Belle asks "No wine for you tonight Regina? Is everything ok?" She giggles at her little joke. Reginas response was "Nope I haven't had any wine since we found out." She says and rubs her belly. Belle looks a little confused "Found out what ?" Regina and I look at each other then at Ruby. I ask "Ruby you didn't tell her?" "You said not to say anything." "We figured you'd at least tell Belle."  "Tell me what, what are you all talking about?" Finally Regina fills her in. "A few weeks ago we found out that I'm pregnant with twins." "Oh goodness that is wonderful news, I'm so happy for you both." She has a big smile on her face till she turns and gives Ruby a smack to the arm "how could you not tell me that our best friends are having a baby or babies I guess I should say ?" Ruby rubs her arm and says "Ouch. I'm sorry Belle, they said not to say anything." "I'm your fiancé Ruby, surely it would have been ok to tell me. We are all friends."  Ruby looks at us and we just shrug. "I think it would have been ok to tell Belle." I say. Belle slaps Ruby's arm again and says "See." Ruby kisses Belles cheek and says "I'm sorry B it won't happen again."  "It better not." She says then turns to Regina. "Since I've been out of the loop, tell me everything." So our babies are what we talk about the rest of the night. We show off the the ultrasound pictures we got. We tell them we have another appointment next week and we promise to give them an update plus text some pictures we get. Looking at the clock we notice it's after 10:30. Belle speaks first "oh gosh it's so late Ruby we should get going." Ruby agrees. They both start to help clean up the mess on the coffee table when Regina stops them and says "Don't worry about the mess Emma will take care of all that as part of her punishment for being late." All three have a good laugh at my expense. I give a shy smile and nod. Regina and I walk them to the door. We give hugs and say our goodbyes as they walk out. I lock the door behind them. Standing next to Regina in the foyer. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my lips. I put my hands on her waist and pull her closer. She pulls her head back a bit and asks "How does you eye feel my love ?" "I'll be fine. It doesn't hurt that much." She steps away from me and starts walking upstairs "That's good to hear dear, now get to work cleaning up the living room plus there are a few pots that need to be washed out before they go into the dishwasher. Good night dear." I stand and sulk a bit. I better get started. "Stupid rabbit hole. I should have Gina shut that place down." I grumble to myself

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