Chapter 23

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It's now the middle of December, and Regina is at 30 weeks and is in the 3rd trimester. Not to long now. We still haven't found out what we are having. We want to know, but it seems our babies are just as stubborn as us and are never in a good position for Kathyrn to get a good read on them. We bought everything in neutral colors, which we most likely would have done any way. At our next check up we are hoping the babies will cooperate and give us a heads up. Today is Regina's last day at work in the office. She'll still be doing a few things from home. Being the mayor is stressful at times but at least she can do her paperwork at home. Her secretary Ashley and I have talked about delivering whatever Regina needs. I plan on coming home for lunch every day to be with her and at the end of the day I can swing by city hall and pick up whatever she needs. Plus we were able to hire two part time deputies so I can leave we I need to. So this morning I'm driving Regina to work. She doesn't know yet, but  Ashley and some of the city council planned a surprise baby shower for her. About a year ago she would have hated the idea, but I think she may like this. We have a 9am council meeting but it's actually the shower. We walk in to city hall together. She walks a lot slower now, but don't tell her or she will find a way to destroy you if it's the last thing she does. We stop at her office so she can gather what she thinks she needs for the "meeting" then head to the boardroom. I walk in first and hold the door so she can walk through and everyone yells "surprise"  Regina drops her files, notebook and pen on the floor and moves closer to me, it think she was a little scared at first, then figured out what was going on. I had my arms wrapped around her, kissed her temple and said "It's ok baby this is for you."  Her eyes filled up. She looked around the room. The city councilors and the school community were there plus Granny, Ruby & Belle, Kathryn & her husband Fred. The room was so wonderfully decorated with all colors of balloons and streamers. They even made a cute little throne only fit for a queen or should I say a city mayor. I walk her over to sit on her throne an everyone claps as she sits. They give me a folding chair to sit next to her. I laugh and say "Gee thanks guys, you know I did help make these babies, I think I deserve better than a folding chair". A laugh is heard throughout the room. The party starts with some music, casual conversation and some food then the gifts. We got a lot of great items for the babies. Dr. Archie Hopper from the school committee got us a beautiful twin bassinet set for our bedroom that we hadn't gotten yet. It's absolutely beautiful. He's really a great guy. Always there when you need him. My head deputy Graham gave us a pack & play for twins.It's incredible. We can use it for the next few years from the time they are born till they are like 3. We got a lot of clothes, toys and so many friggin' diapers and wipes, but we are gonna need it. We do have some great friends. As things come to a close around 2 in the afternoon, everyone helps me pack up and load everything into Graham's truck so he can help us get home. After everything is cleaned up and ready to be transported to our house we are all standing in the hall. Regina decides to make a last minute speech. That's my wife, always the mayor. She begins, a little teary eyed. "Thank you everyone, this was amazing and such a surprise. I can't begin to say how grateful Emma and I are for everything you all have put together and have given to us today. Not only are you our colleagues but you are also our friends". We make the rounds to individually say thank you and goodbye to everyone. Then we head out of city hall so Graham and two other deputies can follow us home to unload our gifts. Once everything in stacked in our foyer, we thank Graham, Mulan & Sean, who happens to be Ashley's husband. Once the door is closed and locked I lean against it. "Wow Gina that was all incredible". She laughs and agrees with me. I walk up the stairs to to meet her in the middle of the foyer and just wrap my arms around her. "We have some great friends babe". She kisses my lips and says "You are so right my love". It's about 4:30 now and Regina looks exhausted. "Hey baby, what do you say we relax, take a little nap, when we get up we'll have some dinner before we figure out where to put all this stuff". She kisses me and says "Get out of my head, I was thinking the same thing". We both laugh as we head upstairs.

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