Chapter 18

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It's now Thursday and we both are getting ready for work. "Emma baby, don't forget Ruby and Belle are coming for dinner at 6:30 tonight." Regina says from her Vanity while doing her makeup. I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I mumble out. "Ok I'll try to be home on time."  "Emma, that is not what I want to here dear. I want you to say, "yes Gina I'll be home right on time like the good wife that I am."  I take a deep breath, walk out of the bathroom, kiss my wife on the cheek and repeat her words. "Yes Gina I will be home right on time like the good wife I am ."  She grabs my chin and says "Good girl." Then kisses my lips. We finished getting dressed and head to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. I leave first because it's my day to start earlier than my wife. I give her a loving kiss, grab my stuff and head out. It's been kind of a boring day at the Storybrooke Police Department. I look at the clock and see it's almost 5:30, I decide to leave a little early and make my wife happy. I put my coat on, grab my keys and start walking to the door, when from my left side, dispatch receives a call about a disturbance at the Rabbit Hole. I think to myself "Really? Tonight? Gina's gonna be pissed."  Me and a few deputies head out to the call. When we get there it's a full blown out brawl. I call for more back up and we try to brake up all the fights. After about two and a half hours we have everything settled. We make our arrests and haul everyone to the station. Finally it's a little after nine. I check my phone and I have missed calls as well as text messages from my beautiful wife. I decide not to call and just send a text "Sorry baby, big fight at the rabbit hole, lots of arrests. On my way home now. I'm so, so sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise."  The text I get back is " Ok sheriff, I guess I'll see you, when I see you."  I groan. I say to myself "Fuck, I'm so screwed."  I pull in our driveway and see Ruby's car is still here, thank god, Gina won't kill me with witnesses around. I walk slowly to our front door, put my key in it to unlock it, and it works. I think, "We'll that's a good sign, she hasn't changed the locks yet."  I walk in, but my keys in the bowl like always and walk up the steps into our home. I hear someone in the kitchen so I walk in, and there is my loving, beautiful wife. She quickly glances at me, then looks back at what she was doing and says "Oh so you do remember where we live."  Yup. I'm dead soon. "Baby I'm so sorry." "Emma, Damn it. I don't want to hear it. You said you would be home on time, and here you are LATE." She says the last word a little loudly. She still won't look at me. "Gina, please." "No, Emma. We both agreed to this dinner with our friends, and you have deputies under you that..." and finally she looks up at me. "Oh, Emma. What the hell happened?" She noticed I unfortunately have a soon to be black eye and a busted lip. "I am really sorry babe, we had to call in extra back up for a brawl at the rabbit hole. There had to be a dozen different fights going on. I'm so sorry baby. I was leaving early, until we got the call. Please forgive me."  I see a few tears forming in her eyes. "Oh Emma, baby what did they do to you?"  She gently touches my face. "I'm fine babe, I promise." "Emma, who did this to you? They will pay severely, I'm the mayor, and they are now dead to this town." I smile and wrap my wife in my arms and say "Baby calm down. I'm fine. Everyone is fine. But thank you for having my back." I give a little chuckle. "I'm sorry I'm late my love." Regina give me a look and says "I guess I can forgive you just this once."  I kiss her and say "Thank you baby." "So, Ruby and Belle are still here ?"  "Yes they are, we were just about to have some dessert. How about I warm you up some of my famous lasagna while you deliver the apple pie to our guests?" I give her a kiss and say "That sounds wonderful my amazingly beautiful wife." Regina laughs and says "I love when you kiss up to me."  I smile at her. Really, how did I get so lucky?

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