Chapter 6

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Regina sat at her desk going over her usual paperwork when she received a call from Kat. Regina hopes she has the test results her and Emma have been waiting for. Picking up the phone they talked for a little while then said goodbye, Regina immediately calls Emma.

Sitting in my office I'm supposed to be doing the most hated part of my job, the paperwork, but instead I'm just daydreaming. Wondering what our future holds. Thinking about the baby we may be having. Will it be a boy or a girl. Will we be good parents. Will the kid be happy or end up hating us. God my head feels like it's starting to spin, thankfully my phone rings and breaks me out of my thoughts. I see the caller ID and know it's Gina so I quickly answer it. " hey sweetheart, what's up ?"  She says " hello sheriff Swan-Mills I was hoping you would be available for lunch this afternoon". A smile immediately comes to my face and I accept the invitation. I tell her I'll pick up our usual lunch from granny's and see her at noon. A few minutes after 12 pm I walk into city hall and up to where Reginas office is. I say hello to her secretary and walk in to find my wife hard at work. She looks up and smiles at me as she gets up to greet me with a hug and a sweet kiss. We head over to the couch near the fireplace and sit while I start taking our lunch out of the bags. A grilled chicken Cesar salad with dressing on the side for the wife and a bacon cheese burger with fries for me. Plus I got us two root beers. We make small talk as we start to eat. I do notice that Regina seems a little less talkative, giving only short answers or a humming sound as a response to something I've said. Knowing something is up I put my burger down, wipe my hands and mouth with a napkin and move closer to her, grabbing her hand as I say "what's going on in that  head of your Gina ? You've been a little to quiet since I got here, what's up ?" She sighs and holds on a little tighter to my hand and starts to speak, " I got a call from Kathyrn this morning, she gave me the test results."  I don't really know how to read my wife right now. So I just give a small smile and nod for her to continue.
" She said the the test was positive, I am pregnant Emma. We are going to have a baby ". A big smile and a few happy tears start falling from her eyes. This is the moment we've been waiting for and every fear I had from before was gone from my mind. As I looked at my wife the tears started to pool in my own eyes. I immediately put my hands to her face and pulled her in for a deep kiss. When we separate we just look into each other's eyes and smile. No words need to be said right now because we can both feel each other's emotions running through us. I kiss her again and again, just little kisses of love. Sitting back on the couch we hold each other. Regina has her head on my chest, she has one hand placed over my heart and the other around my back. I have both of my arms wrapped around her on her back holding on just tight enough not to squish her. I don't know how long we were in this position, but all to soon I felt Regina start to sit up a bit. She smiles at me and gives me quick peck to the lips. " I think we both need to get back to work sheriff, we still have a town to take care of". I sigh but she is right. We both sit up and start cleaning our forgotten lunch off the coffee table.  When that's done she walks me to the door and gives my another peck to the lips and says " I'll see you at 5:30 my love, we can go home have some dinner and I'll tell you everything Kat said to me about what to expect in the next few weeks ". I smile and nod and we kiss goodbye and I walk away so we both can get back to work. I can't wait to see her again in a few hours for our ride home.

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