Chapter 16

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Walking up the stairs to Granny's diner, I open the door for my wife to walk through first. She leads us over to a booth and we sit across from each other. I pick up the menu and I see Gina give me the eye. "What ?" I ask. "Emma, really? Why are you even looking at the menu? You know everything that is on it and you still order the same thing all the time."  "Well maybe I want something different tonight." I say and shrug my shoulders. "Sure dear. What ever you want."  Regina says with a little laugh to go with it. Ruby makes her way over to us smiles and says "Hey guys, how's everything?"  We both smile and say we are fine. We have a few minutes of chit chat and Ruby asks what we would like to order. Gina orders herself an eggplant parmigiana, she always says granny makes a good one. I decided on the shepherds pie. Ruby stares at me for a moment then asks if I'm sure and if I feel ok. I laugh and say "I just wanted something different. It has hamburger in it, it's not that far from the burgers I usually get. Quit staring at me you two. And I'd also like a ginger ale to go with that. Thank you."  Ruby wrote it down and looked at me again, laughed and walked away to put our order in. I look at Regina and she has a look on her face, before I could say anything she leans over the table closer to me and says softly "Is this because I'm pregnant?" I'm confused now. "What?"  "You ordering something different, is that because I'm pregnant? Are you going to start trying other things now? What's after food Emma, sky diving?" I grab her hands,  bring them to my lips and kiss them both. "Baby relax, it has nothing to do with you being pregnant, I just had a burger yesterday and wanted something else. That's all I promise you." I kiss her hands again. "That better be all, because I swear Emma if you come home one day with a motorcycle I will strangle you. I have enough to worry about with you as sheriff, I don't need you adding other things on top of that."  "I promise Gina I will never get a motorcycle, the helmets would ruin my hair". We both laugh "Your an idiot." "Yes, and I'm all yours my love." We both laugh again then start some small talk as Ruby brings our dinner and drinks. "I brought you a water Regina, you didn't say what you wanted but I figured that's what you usually get so I went for it."  "Thank you, it's perfect Ruby. That's exactly what I wanted."  She asks if we need anything else before she walks away, but we're good so she says enjoy and heads back over to the counter area. "The shepherds pie is actually very good."  "Of course it's good Emma it has all you favorite things in it hamburger, potatoes and even cheese on top."  "Don't forget the corn Gina. It's got corn in it. It's a vegetable, it's healthy."  "Oh please Emma, you say the same thing when you put ketchup on your burgers because it's made from tomatoes."  Regina just shakes her head. "It's still a vegetable babe." I say and stick my tongue out at her. She laughs and says "Oh god I'm have babies with a child". And that's the exact moment Ruby decided to come check on us. When she heard Regina say the last part of her sentence she stopped dead in her tracks and looks at us both. "Did I just hear correctly, are you guys having a baby?" Gina and I look at each other and she gives me the nod to silently give permission to tell. After all Ruby is a good friend, she has been since I moved here. "Yes Ruby, Regina is pregnant." "Oh my god you guys that's so wonderful. Wow a baby." "Actually Miss Lucas, we found out today that we are in fact having twins." Regina says with a little smirk on her face and I just smile. Ruby is completely stunned now. "Holy crap seriously? That amazing. I'm so so happy for you guys." She says while giving us hugs. "I am about 9 weeks so we do have a long way to go, and if you don't mind maybe try to keep this quiet for a while. They say it's not really good to start passing around the news to quickly at such an early stage."  "Yes of course Regina, my lips are sealed."  We share a few more smiles and Ruby leaves us to finish our dinner. After a while, we've eaten our dinner, shared a dessert, that Regina claims the babies wanted not her, we paid the check and said bye to Ruby. Before we left we promised to get together with her and Belle soon because it had been to long since we've all hung out. That does sound like fun. I think to myself.

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