Chapter 27

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When we get to the hospital, we get checked in and set up in a room. They hook Regina up to a fetal monitor to check on the heartbeats and to monitor the progress of the labor. Kathryn comes in to check on Regina and see how things are going. She gives a quick exam and says Regina is 7 centimeters dilated. Which means hopefully it won't be to long now. They give Regina the epidural. Finally. It's been hard for me to watch my wife in so much pain and know that there is no way I can help her besides holding her hand and rubbing her back. I'm not really an emotional person but it's hard not to cry knowing what she is going through and she hasn't even delivered yet. She starts having another hard contraction and Kat and I try to talk her though it. I see Kat staring at me and I give a small smile. Kathryn asks me to help her out in the next room. I check to see if it's ok with Regina and she nods and says "Please hurry back". I kiss her and say "I will". Kat takes me in the room next door. "So what do you need Kat?"  "I need you to sit Emma". "Oh god something is wrong isn't it, I knew it , fuck I just new it". I start to pace and cry a bit. "Shhh no Emma nothing is wrong, I promise, I just wanted you to have a moment to breathe ok. You looked like you were ready to pass out over there, now please sit down". I nod and sit. "Now take a deep breath please". I do as I'm told. "So everything is ok ?"  "Yes. Everything is right on track. I'm going back Into the room with Regina now. I want you to take another minute to breathe and come back ok, we've got babies to deliver". I nod and she leaves. I guess it was a good call to go with a friend for the doctor. I don't think anyone else would have known I was a little stressed. I take another deep breath and make my way back to the room. Regina is having another contraction "I'm here baby". I rush to her side and grab her hand and breathe along with her. When it's done she looks at me and asks if I'm ok. I give a big smile and kiss her forehead. "I'm fine my love". "Kathryn said you were looking a little green a moment ago". "Yes well I'm good to go now". I smile and look at Kathryn, who is now giving Regina another exam. "10 centimeters, looks like it's time to start pushing, so Regina when feel like you need to push I want you to push hard while I count to 10 ok?" Regina nods. About a minute goes by and Regina says she needs to push. I put arm around her back and help her lean forward and she starts to push. Kat counts to ten and says to stop pushing and Regina lays back. This repeats several times and Kat says "Ok here's the head, one more big push Regina, come on". And she gives it all shes got and I see the baby come out and Regina lays back breathless. "Oh my god Gina the baby is out". Kat cleans the baby and suctions out the mouth and it's at that beautiful moment we hear the baby start to cry. I hear Regina softly cry out to me "Emma what is it?"  "Oh I didn't even look". I say. I look at Kathryn who says "You ladies have a beautiful baby boy, Emma would you like to cut the cord?" I nod and she hands me the scissors and I cut the cord. Wow so amazing. Kat stands up and hands the baby over to Regina, who gladly takes him. We both have tears in our eyes as we look at our son. "Happy birthday little prince". She says as she kisses his forehead, it's then that Regina starts feeling pain again so a nurse takes the baby to clean him up and weigh him and what ever else they do. Kat says "Ok Regina same thing goes for this one". We both nod and Regina starts to push. This one doesn't take as long. I watch this one come out as well and it's the same feeling I had watching the first one. It's truly amazing what my wife has just done twice. "It's a girl Regina, we have a baby girl". I say crying again. Kat cleans the face and suctions out the mouth but we don't hear anything yet. Kat rubs her knuckles gently over the baby's chest. "Come on little one lets hear those lungs". I just stare. Regina holds my hand tighter. "Emma what's happening , please?"  I shake my head and ask Kat "What's going on Kat. Why isn't she crying?"  She's not saying anything just focusing on the baby. "Oh Emma please tell she's going to be ok". Kat suctions out the mouth again and finally our daughter lets out the biggest scream her lungs will allow. I say "Thank you god" and fall crying to my knees as I hold onto Reginas hands. After a minute I hear Kat ask if I want to cut the cord. I slowly stand and pull myself together and say "I'll try". I grab the scissors and I cut the cord, then she hands the baby to Regina. "Well, little princess you gave us quite a scare, happy birthday to you as well". The nurse comes over and hands me our son and I sit on the bed next to Regina. I lean in and we kiss each other. We both sigh as we looks at the babies. "I think it's time we make a final decision on names now, don't you think my love". Regina says to me and I smile and nod. The nurse come over to take our daughter and clean her all up. Over the next few hours the babies have been all weighed and checked out by the pediatrician. After the little scare our daughter gave us, we wanted to make sure everything was alright. And they are. Kat did a post exam on Regina, just to make sure she was ok. Luckily she didn't need any stitches. Regina breastfed the babies and I got to change them. Now they are in the cribs right next to the bed Regina and I are in. We are looking at out sleeping son and daughter, when Regina lets out a big yawn. I kiss her forehead and say "Try to get some sleep babe". She nods and falls asleep almost immediately after putting her head on my shoulder. Then I drift off too.

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