Chapter 21

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We hear a knock on the door and Kathryn walks in and greets us. She asks the usual questions about how Regina has been feeling, if anything new has come up. She tell us that everything seems fine as far as Reginas weight and blood pressure, and asks if are ready to start the ultrasound. I answered with a quick "Yes". Regina and Kathryn both chuckle at me. "Ok, let's see what we have here." Kathyrn says as she moves the wand around. "There you are little one." She taps a few keys on the keyboard. "Well, baby A seems perfect size, and the same over here with baby B." We all smile looking at the screen while we can hear the heartbeat in the background. She points out each babies body part. We can see the spine of each baby. It's really incredible. Kat types a little more on the keyboard. She prints out some pictures for us. I stare at them I'm just loving this. "So Regina, you said everything has been going well right ?" We both nod. "Good. Since you are now at 13 weeks you may see some changes as far as an increase in energy and an increase in your sex drive." My ears tune in on that one. "Really?"  Regina gives me the look that's says " it now Emma."  Kathyrn continues "It's also a time when it's ok to start telling people you are expecting."  Regina and I nod. That is a good idea. We should tell the town council, since we will both be taking time off every now and then, besides we are pretty friendly with most of them. Kathryn hugs us and says she'll see us for the next appointment and Regina and I head out. We got in the car and look at the pictures again. "Wow, isn't this amazing Gina?" She smiles. It's crazy how big they've gotten in just 4 weeks." Regina laughs pats her belly and says "Don't I know it." I kiss her cheek and ask "Ready for some shopping babe ?"  "Let's go dear."   We head to the next town over. They have a bigger mall. We walk around for a bit, go into a few stores until we finally find one Regina likes. She's looking at dresses, blouses and slacks for work. She takes a few things and goes into the changing room. She put on the first dress and she opens the door to show me. "Gina baby you look great ." And she did. It's a beautiful black dress that fits her perfectly everywhere and I just stare at her up and down. "Emma darling, get your mind out of the gutter please."  She says with a laugh. She turns to head back into the dressing room but I follow her and get in before she can close the door. "Emma what do you think you are doing?"  " I just wanted to help you with the zipper babe." I say with a smile. I start to kiss her neck. "Emma don't even think about it. We are not having sex in a mall dressing room."  "Kat did say you may have an increased sex drive."  "Yes she did but unfortunately it's not right now my love. Go back out and try to find some more things I may like please." I give my pouty face, sigh and do as I'm told. When Regina thinks she finds enough for now we go to the check out. While waiting in line I look out and see an Orange Julius. "Oh babe look an Orange Julius, I'm gonna go grab one while we are waiting. You want one." " Yes strawberry banana please." I run over grab our drinks and when I get back Regina I walking out and are ready to go home.

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