Chapter 14

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The ride home from the appointment was quiet. I think we were both shocked at the news. Walking into the house, I locked the door behind me and followed Regina into the living room. Sitting next to Regina I wrap my arms around her as she leans into me. " quite a morning wouldn't you say babe ?" She nods her head and gives a little sigh. "Emma, I'm a little scared". She finally says. "Of what sweetheart ?"  I hold her tighter. "How can we do this with two babies? One is hard enough, but now I'm having twins, what if it's all to much and I can't handle it". "Gina come on honey, just think for a moment. Together we can handle anything. We will both be there for each other, we'll do everything that needs to bed done to make sure our babies are happy and healthy. That was our plan when we thought we were only having one, but now it's two and nothing has changed baby. We got this. I believe in us. Now you have to believe to." Regina sits up and nods "You are right my love. I'm just shocked I guess. Twins are a beautiful blessing."  Sitting together on the couch we went through some of the things Kat gave us. Some pamphlets on having twins and what to expect. One thing that caught Reginas eye was how much weight women usually gain when carrying twins. "Great so I'll get fat faster". "Oh come on now Gina, you are going to become even more beautiful the deeper we get into this pregnancy." I kiss her lips and she give me a shy smile. "You better keep those comments handy my love. I have a feeling it's not going to be easy carrying twins so I'll definitely need your kind words to help me through." She smiles again and grabs hold of my shirt and pulls me in for a hard passionate kiss.  We separate only when air becomes necessary. "Oh baby, I'll definitely keep your spirits up if it means I get rewarded with kisses like that." She giggles and leans in for another long kiss. I like where this could be heading.

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