Chapter 24

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It's our 30 week visit and Kathryn is telling us about the progress of our babies. They are approximately just over 2 pounds each. They now have eyelashes. One thing I was surprised to hear, that I hadn't read in a book. Their senses are improving, Kathryn held a bright light up to Reginas belly saying that we should be able to feel the babies move to try and face it. It was amazing, you could actually feel them moving around to the light then stop when it was removed. "Damn we've got smart kids already Gina". We all chuckle a bit. Kathryn finishes by saying the babies are in good position and everything else seems very good. Regina and I decided not to find out the sex of the babies. We figured since they've kept it a secret this long, why not just wait for the birth. We scheduled another appointment for two weeks from now. "Well I'm all done for today any chance you both would like to get some lunch?"  Kat asks us. Regina smiles and looks at me. "Regina why don't you and Kat spend some time together this afternoon and I'll go home and finish putting together the bassinet that Archie gave us". "Really ? Are you sure Emma? You can always put it together later". "Yes, I'm sure babe. Go spend so girl time with Kat". "Ok as long as you don't mind. I'm just going to go to the ladies room before we leave, I'll be right back". I smile then look at Kat. "Thanks for taking her out today. I really want to set up a nice surprise for her". "No problem Emma I'm glad to help. You said about 2 hours should do it ?" "Yes. I already have everything, I just need to set it up". Regina comes walking back and we all leave the office together. I walk Regina over to Kathryn's car and open the passenger door for her, we kiss and she gets in the car. "Have fun ladies". I say then they drive off. Making it back home, I put my plan in motion. I bought a dozen roses on the way home so I set them up in a nice vase and bring them up to the bedroom because that's where the surprise will take place. I know the deeper we get into the pregnancy it gets harder on Regina. Her back hurts, her feet swell, she has a very hard time sleeping. She just can't get comfortable and if she does it won't last long because she always has to pee now. So tonight I want to try and help her relax. Just as I finished setting everything up in the bathroom I hear two car doors close. I see Regina and Kat walking up to the front door. I close the bathroom door then our bedroom door and go down to greet them. I say hello to Kat and kiss Regina hello, and ask if they've had a nice time. They both smile and nod. "Kathryn took me to that Italian restaurant I love then over to Granny's for a hot cocoa. It was a really nice day. Thank you Kat". "It was my pleasure Regina , besides I'm sure once these little ones come it'll be a while before either of you get out of the house". We all laugh, but it's true. Kat then says her goodbyes and I whisper a thank you to her before I close the door. Regina and I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. She takes her shoes off and I pick up her feet and give them a little rub and I can here Regina hum at the feeling. "Oh that feels wonderful my love". "I'm glad you like it". "I love it. How do I get a full body massage?"  She asks with a little chuckle. I give her a smile. "I think I'll go up stairs and change into something more comfortable". She says starting to stand up. I'm following her up the stairs when she says "Emma where are you going?"  "I just wanna help you babe". At the top of the stairs she turns and says "Emma I love you so much, but I am so tired right now, I'm not really up for sex honey I'm sorry". I kiss her and say "I just want to help you I swear". Regina looks at me like she doesn't totally believe me but turns to open the bedroom door and turns on the light. The light turns on but its very dim. I changed the light bulb to a lower wattage then lit some nice scented candles that will help her relax. "Emma what is all this?"  " I told you I just want to help you my love, come here". We sit on the bed. "I know how tired you are all the time and how your back and feet hurt. So tonight you are getting a foot, leg, back and any other massage you want, then when that is done I have the tub all ready for you with the heating jets on and some nice bath oils. What do you think". "Oh Emma that sounds so fantastic. I can't believe you did this for me". "I'll do anything for you my love". I kiss her. Then we stand and I help her to undress. I also take off my jeans and shirt but leave my boxers and sports bra on. This is about her not me. I've got a few sheets over our bed so we don't get anything on it. She gets in the bed and I grab the oils I bought. She's sitting up against the pillows on the headboard. "How about I start with the feet first and work my way up ?"  She smiles and nods so I get started. I try and give more attention to the heel and ankles, because that's what seems to bother her most. I look up at my wife and she has her eyes closed and a smile on her face so I continue on. Moving up her legs I make sure to add some pressure then soothe it down. I hear a hum of contentment from Regina. I stick to the outside of her thighs, if she wants the inside later I'll give her whatever she wants. Right now it's just a massage. "Hey babe what do you say we start on your back now?"  "How do we do that? I can't lay on my stomach ". "How about just lay on your side and see if you are comfortable, then in a bit we can switch to the other side ok". She nods and I help her onto her side then begin to rub her back with the oils. I can tell this is working. "Oh god this feels so good, thank you Emma". I make sure I work on her lower back, that's where it hurts the most for her. I help her onto her other side and do the same thing. After a while I ask if she's ready for her bath now. She nods so I help her up and we walk into the bathroom, I check the water it's till nice and warm, I turn the jets up a bit and add some bath oils. I help her step in and sit down. "Oh I thought the massage was great, this is a wonderful follow up". I laugh and get down on my knees next to the tub. She looks at me "Emma please join me". "No babe this is for you". "Yes I know and I want you in here to hold me, please". I smile and start to get undressed then step in behind her and sit. She leans back and lays in my arms. "This was such a wonderful surprise Emma, thank you so much my love. I feel so relaxed right now". "I'm glad baby. That's all I wanted for you tonight". We stay in the tub for a while and just enjoy this time together, because who knows what's going to happen in the next few weeks.

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