Only Ever Be Him (Part One) | Peter Parker [TH]

Start from the beginning

You looked at him. "Hello."

He pointed to the schedule laying flat on his desk. "I, uh, don't remember where they said Spanish II was. If you could help me-"

"Oh, sure!" you said. You picked up your books and held them to your chest. "I'm actually heading there now, so you can walk with me."

"Really? That's so cool of you," he gushed. "Your name is ___, right?"

You nodded. "Yeah."

"That's really pretty," he complimented.

At that, Peter turned around and stood up. "Hey. I'm Peter Parker," he said, trying to act like he wasn't fuming at the guy. "Where you from?"

Mark looked at him. "I, uh, just moved here from New Jersey, actually." He nodded. "Yeah. My parents recently separated and my mom moved here. With all the benefits of this school, I figured... you know, why not come here?"

"I'm sorry about your parents," you said, frowning.

He shrugged. "It sucks but it was bound to happen. I always knew."

You nodded and looked at Peter. "I'm going to walk Mark to Spanish II. I'll see you in Geometry?"

"Yeah," he said.

You smiled at him. Peter barely noticed the way your eyes sparkled when you stared at him. His mind was too busy reeling over the thought of you and Mark together in the halls.

On your way out the door, you observed Mark's schedule. "Actually, you and I might just have every class together, Mark. That's cool."

"Really? Awesome..."

Peter's shoulders fell. He did not like the new kid.


On the way out of Spanish II, Mark walked alongside you. You laughed as he told you funny stories. He was charming and hilarious, and you really liked him.

After a story ended, he looked at his schedule. "So is Geometry a bad class? At my old school, the teacher was absolutely evil."

You shook your head. "I like it. Our teacher is nice but she's not nice, you know? And the class is fun. There's an empty seat behind the me and an empty seat behind Peter."

"Peter," he repeated. "Is he one of your friends?"

"Yeah," you said. "Well, he's my boyfriend."

"Oh." Was all he said.

You turned into class at the same time Peter did. He glanced up from the floor to see you. For a brief second, he grinned. Then, remembering Mark, his face fell a little.

"Hey babe," you said softly, taking his hand. You stroked your thumb over his knuckles. Your voice was low. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," he assured you. He couldn't understand how you were so clueless to Mark and his intense stare. "Yeah, I'm fine."

You nodded and let go of his hand. He let you and Mark in first and followed behind. You were already preparing to introduce him to Ned, who had the empty seat next to him.

"Hey Ned," you greeted.

"Hey," he said.

You pointed to Mark. "This is Mark. Can he sit by you? I've been showing him around the school."

Behind you, Peter was shaking his head. His eyes were wide. Ned swallowed hard as he looked at Peter and then back at you.

"Uh... uh, I, uh..." He narrowed his eyes. "Doesn't that girl Sophia sit here?"

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